Library News

Doing our best to be environmentally friendly in our school library
Packaging - We purchase books each year to stock our library with some of the latest releases through Lamont Books, which is an Australian company who send out books twice a term using enviromentally friendly packaging. As you can see from the pictures below, the foam balls used to protect the books they send to us are made from organic materials that can be dissolved in water after use. The water mixture is safe to put on our gardens and it then breaks down completely.
Book Covering - We are now using Bioguard 80, which is the world's first fully biodegradable book covering. This product is made from active biodegradable ingredients, which break down in compost or landfill environments, leaving no toxic microplastics. The book covering feels a little different to plastic, having a grainy texture, but the benefit to us is that our books are protected to last a long time and many uses, without using plastics. When the book reaches the end of it's life, we can place the cover in the recycle bin for it to be processed, along with the paper pages, rather than throwing it in the rubbish.