Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

Wow, this Term has absolutely flown by. I cannot believe how quickly it has gone! It has been so wonderful to see many students on the playground having fun, even in the cold weather! We have been seeing lots of collaborative games of volleyball, basketball, and tiggy, and now the kids are back on the search for tadpoles and frogs!!!


What's coming up in the Wellbeing space at St Joe's?

Brainstorm Productions- Sticks and Stones Incursion

On Tuesday, 18th June, Brainstorm Productions will present their student wellbeing performance ‘Sticks & Stones’ for the whole school. ‘Sticks & Stones’ is a live educational theatre performance that promotes resilience, cyber safety and positive connections. 


When things go wrong at home, at school or online, Student A's body goes into fight/flight. He feels angry, frightened and confused and responds in the only way he knows how – with aggression and antisocial behaviour. When Student A meets Student B, he learns to be assertive and respect boundaries. He deals with negative online experiences by reporting and telling an adult, and learns more positive ways to deal with anger: he stops, breathes, puts his hands in his pockets, walks away and talks about his feelings. Student A cooperates with other kids to create a circus routine with acrobatics and juggling. 


‘Sticks & Stones’ is part of our student wellbeing curriculum and has been developed by teachers and psychologists. This exciting live theatre experience provides students with practical social and emotional skills, and encourages students to build positive connections at school, at home and online.


Brainstorm Productions is one of Australia’s most experienced and respected theatre in education companies, performing to over 260,000 students every year. They offer a range of programs to help schools nurture healthy and harmonious environments, addressing issues such as mental health, online safety, bullying and resilience. 


Brainstorm Productions are endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider and listed as an evidence-based bullying prevention program on the Victorian Schools Mental Health Menu. 

Learn more about Brainstorm Productions by visiting their website (, or following them on Instagram (@brainstormproductions_), Facebook (@Brainstorm.Productions) or LinkedIn (


Next Term

  • Whole School Incursion from Supreme Incursions. This is a Mind and Body incursion- Key focuses on mindfulness, zones of regulation, self-awareness, calming techniques, and resilience. This will be happening on Wednesday 24th July  (more info to come)
  • REACH incursion part 2 is for the grade 5/6 students. It will be happening on Monday, August 5th. This incursion will focus on Teamwork. 
  • Wellbeing and PBL Parent and Child Night (more info to come)


The Yarra Ranges Council has also asked us to participate in tree planting on Milners Road next term. Which is exciting! I will post some more information in the next Newsletter!