Principal’s News

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Yesterday, the Victorian Education Minister, Ben Caroll, announced that all Victorian Government Schools will implement an explicit approach to teaching phonics to all children from Foundation to Year Two in 2025. These children will be taught to understand how the writing code in the English language works. This aims to increase the consistency and quality of how children are taught, ensuring that children are not left behind or slipping through the cracks.


At St Joseph's we are well ahead of the field, as we have been implementing a systematic synthetic approach to the teaching of phonics in the Junior School since 2021.  Supported by Jacqui Tarquinio (Parent, Jolly Phonics Trainer and Staff Member 2022-23) we have utilised a range of resources to plan and explicitly teach phonics to our Junior Students. This approach has continued into the middle and senior level, and we have been receiving training from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools on evidence-based approaches that will help our children flourish as learners.


Please have a listen to Sammy J's interview with Dr Pamela Snow, Professor of Cognitive Psychology from LaTrobe University.  This provides a very accessible overview of the approach we use and the one that will be used in State Schools from 2025 onwards.  To listen:

  1. Click the image below
  2. Click the play button
  3. Fast forward to 1:39:00 and play until 1:44:35.

Staff Member of the Week

Rebecca pictured with Coco
Rebecca pictured with Coco

We were all thrilled last weekend to hear that Mrs Rebecca Beveridge has been acknowledged as one of the top 50 educators in Australia. Nominated by Coco's mum, Hayley, Bec was described as passionate, hardworking, and with a deep knowledge of wellbeing and Indigenous issues. 

School Advisory Council 2024

In a spirit of collegiality and goodwill, Archbishop Peter Comensoli called parish priests together at the end of 2019 to begin a process of developing new governance arrangements for schools belonging to the Archdiocese of Melbourne. After extensive consultation, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) was created as a company limited by guarantee to govern and operate schools that were previously governed by parishes or the Archdiocese.


An essential part of this governance structure of St Joseph's School is the School Advisory Council (SAC).  The Council met last year to ratify its Terms of Reference which I shared with you via email on Thursday 6 June, 2024.  I have also added a link to the document below for your convenience. Please take some time to read the terms of reference, particularly if you are interested in joining the SAC in 2024.  


School Advisory Councip Terms of Reference


Our previous attempt to relaunch the group, following the update of the Advisory Council Constitution was unsuccessful, attracting no applicants from either the school or parish community. All existing members had expressed interest in resigning once the new Council was in place.  In light of some recent renewed interest, we are inviting applications from Parents, Carers and Parishioners. Interested applicants are invited to put in writing, to Fr Michael and myself, an application (approximately one page) outlining the experience and expertise you could bring to this group and how you think you would be able to support the school in its endeavours.  Applications should be emailed to by Friday 28 June.  Applicants will be shortlisted and interviews will be conducted with each shortlisted applicant early in Term Three.  The next School Advisory Council Meeting will be held in the week commencing Monday 29 July (Date and Time to be advised once the new council is formed).

Enrolments 2025

We are pleased to see enrolment applications for Foundation 2025 coming in.  At this early stage it looks like we will have a similar number of Foundation students as we have this year.  If you know anyone with a child starting school next year, encourage them to visit our website and come for a tour.  I'm sure they would love to have their Prep child taught by one of the top educators in the country.


If there are any current families with children beginning Foundation next year, I would encourage them to get their enrolment forms to us as soon as possible.  Knowing exactly how many children we will have helps us plan our school structure for 2025.


Since the beginning of the year, we have had four new enrolments at St Joseph's.  We aim to continue to grow the school to ensure its sustainability into the future.  We ask for your help to promote our school in the community.  Positive stories of your children's experiences at St Joseph's can really make a big difference.  Nothing is more powerful than Word of Mouth.


Semester One Reports

Reports for all classes except 1/2S will be sent to families via email in the week commencing Monday 24 June.  Meredith will be sending her reports out and holding Parent Teacher Interviews early next term when she returns.  


Please take some time to read the report and celebrate with your child the successes they have achieved throughout Semester One.  You may also wish to discuss with them the opportunities identified by the teacher for improvement and discuss with them some possible goals for Semester Two. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Interviews will be held for parents and carers on Thursday 27 June between 12:00pm and 8:00pm.  Please click here to access the Parent Teacher Interview Portal. Enter the following code for access: 

Code: v9jhb


Please be aware that students will be fully supervised by myself and other staff not involved in interviews between 12:00pm and 3:00pm. However, if you wish to collect your child at 12:00pm, you are welcome to do so.

End of Term 

Term Three concludes on Friday 28 June at 3:00pm.  Students who catch the bus will be picked up by Phil at 2:30pm to head up to Upper Yarra Secondary College.  


Before you go......


Please check out the following pages

Supporting our Local Businesses 

Families wishing to advertise in our school newsletter are invited to send their advertisements to


Community Announcements

News and events happening in the valley including the All Saints Trivia Night.


Best wishes for a weekend of fine but chilly weather.




Nicholas Boyhan
