News from 5/6

Aussie Sports
Last Friday, Seniors enjoyed a beautiful winter day sampling a variety of sports including: basketball, cycling, ultimate frisbee, lawn bowls, funfit diablo, funfit hoops, archery and softball. It was great to see them having a go at such a range of activities. We were even prouder when we were approached from a representative of another school who congratulated our students on their inclusive, respectful and friendly behaviour.
Ski Trip to Lake Mountain
We have had a great response to the optional excursion to Lake Mountain. It is such a fantastic opportunity for students to experience the snow at a very affordable price. Keep your eyes open for Aldi specials on snowwear or people who might have gear that they are willing to loan out.
Museums in Motion
In class, students have been working hard, reading about influential people in Australia's history and planning short speeches which they will share with their classmates next week. In this way, they will learn from each other.
Early next term they will be dressing up as this person as part of a living museum, or 'museum in motion'. Families are invited to this event on Wednesday 24th July at 3pm. (The second week of Term 3). Students may need to make some op-shop visits in the school holidays to find clothing and some assistance to convert these into costumes.