From the Principal

Term 2 Wrap Up
Students have been busy expanding their reading, writing and Mathematics skills during their daily classroom sessions. They have attended weekly Music/Spanish, Art, Physical Education and Library sessions. The Prep-2 students have visited the Oral Language Centre each week this term to expand their speaking and listening skills. Devices have been used to complete a variety of different work tasks including the filming of the persuasive speeches to parliament as part of the Parliament Prize Project.
In addition, to expanding their skills in these key curriculum areas, students and staff were also involved with the following extra curricular tasks/activities:
- made 1087 cheese sandwiches for Eat Up (grade 5/6s)
- competed in 10 weeks of Interschool Sport and attended after school training sessions (grade 5/6s)
- worked with students and staff from Lalor North Secondary (grade 1-6)
- watched the Brainstorm Production 'Sticks and Stones' (Prep-6s)
- went on excursion to Quantum (grades 1-6)
- visited Lalor Secondary College to watch a musical showcase (5/6s)
- supported our well being by attending Wednesday Wellbeing Clubs (Prep-6s)
- attended our Peaceful Kids Program (grade 1/2s)
- had a visit from the Fire Brigade and squirted the fire hose (Prep-2s)
- enjoyed the Choir and Band's performance at assembly (Prep-6s)
- performed at the School of Rock (Choir and Band)
- jumped our hearts out in the annual Jump Rope for Heart (Prep-6s)
- competed in the Cross Country (grade 3-6s)
- participated in weekly JSC, Cyber Action or Gardening Leaders meetings (5/6 Leaders)
- earnt over 5000 Focus on the Good tickets! (Prep-6s)
- completed the School Performance Review (staff, students and parents).
It has been an incredibly busy term and I think I speak for everyone when I say 'bring on the holidays!' Well done everyone on all your hard work this term. I hope everyone is able to find the time to relax over the holiday period as there is more important learning to be done in term 3.
A reminder that the first day of term 3 for students is Tuesday 16 July as staff will be involved in professional learning related to the new Victorian Mathematics 2.0 curriculum on Monday 15 July.