Learning & Teaching

Daniel's Digi Tech Update
Going to SPACE!
This week in Grade 3 /4 we went all over the world, from a Hollywood red carpet to Space, a newsroom reporting on a giant cat invading Gisborne and, well, a student’s mouth.
Yes, not much of this makes sense until you see the pics of the fun we were having exploring Green Screen techniques. Next up is “Typing Club!”
The final photo was definitely a highlight for me. What you are seeing is a bunch of our Grade 1 and 2 students practising typing, but wait for it, AT LUNCHTIME! Yes, they were so excited to work on laptops and learn how to type, they gave up their break time outside to type, type, type! Check out my SeeSaw message for instructions to login at home and practice during these chilly days and the upcoming school holidays!