Mrs Caroline Galea
Mrs Caroline Galea
Dear Parents,
This week we celebrated Italian Day. Although Carnavale is traditionally celebrated earlier in the year, at Holy Name, June seemed like a good time. Thank you to all the parents who were present at the parade on Wednesday and an extra special thank you to Mrs Anna Bregu for all of her hard work. The children really enjoyed the parade, lunch, the performance and the activities. Unfortunately, due to the weather, we were unable to proceed with the soccer tournament.
A HUGE thank you to our P&F members -Alison & Tiare and all our hot food day helpers!
Nearly all the children ordered, so as you can imagine it was a huge job, but everyone was fed by 10.40am and the children were very excited.
Dear Parents/Cari Genitori,
We had a wonderful time celebrating Carnevale Day yesterday! We enjoyed a day full of fun Italian activities to highlight the learning of Italian at our school.
The children looked amazing, with the lovely masks they made during Art sessions, with great thanks to Mrs Preece, and with their colourful and creative costumes. Thank you so much for all your great help and support in helping your children with organising their costumes and also for ordering their Italian lunch. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated!
A special thank you goes to the amazing P&F team who gave their time, work and energy to organise and deliver the delicious lunch of pizza, gelato and drink to the children. They loved their Italian lunch!
I would also like to thank Mrs Galea and all our staff for their ongoing help, support and enthusiasm for our Italian program and our celebration days.
Signora Bregu
School Closure Day
Just a forward reminder of our School Closure Day for staff professional development and planning, on Wednesday 26 June (the last week of term). No children are to be at school on this day.
**Also, all students finish at the normal time of 3.20pm on the last day of term - Friday 28 June.
Canteen Helpers Needed
If you can spare a few hours on Fridays (or even Tuesdays) and you have a current WWC, we could really use your help in preparing the lunch orders, after morning drop off to 11am. It doesn't have to be every week; leave your details with Leanne at the office and we'll add you to the roster.
We have a Canteen Manager (Antonietta) who will show you what to do.
Unfortunately, due to safety considerations, you are not able to bring toddlers/babies with you.
A few weeks ago I published some survey results. I noticed after that a few more families had filled out the survey. One of the questions asked was if you would like the woollen jumper to be replaced or stay.
As you can see, the response indicates that families would like the woollen jumper to stay. Therefore we will not be changing this aspect of the uniform. I have an upcoming meeting with Academy uniform to discuss other aspects of the uniform.
Movie Tickets- P&F Initiative
Recently, we sent out an expression of interest for discounted Hoyts movie tickets. Thank you to all those families that have responded either with a desire to purchase tickets or indicated that this fundraiser was not of interest at this time. All responses are required by tomorrow - Friday 14th June.
Grade Five & Six Swim Program
Just a reminder that this program starts next week (Mon & Tues) and continues the following week (Mon & Tues). Please make sure your child has all the necessary items for the program - bathers, thongs, towel etc.
School Holiday Programs & Camps
Under Community News in today's newsletter, you'll find a number of school holiday activities for your child/ren. If they need care while you are at work or if you are just looking for something to keep them occupied, then these programs/camps may help.
Parent Representatives
We are now only seeking a rep for Grade 1/2B
If you can help, please let Leanne know.
Our reps are:
Grade PB: Teresa Racovalis & Bianca Follachio
Grade PK: Nadah Horkos & Doniya Foundoglou
Grade 1/2B:
Grade 1/2H: Antonietta Arceri
Grade 1/2S: Juliette Waugh & Francesca Raciti
Grade 3/4B: Joana O'Neill
Grade 3/4M: Anna Kricker
Grade 3/4Z: Antonietta Arceri
Grade 5/6A: Stephanie Butera & Doniya Foundoglou
Grade 5/6C: Stephanie Butera
Grade 5/6K: Carmela Gervasoni