
Geelong Regional Libraries hosted their final games/activity session this week, which included Blackout Poetry. If students would like to see more events like this in the library in the future, please tell us! We are sure that GRL would love to come back!
GRL are running activities throughout the school holidays – please see the flyer below or go to for more information.
June is Pride Month! Ms Calvert and the Stand Out group have put together a wonderful display in the library, and are hosting lunchtime activities each Thursday this month (i.e. bracelet-making, badge-making, and colouring activities) in the library.
Congratulations once again to Year 7 Readers’ Cup teams from 7P and 7A – we hope you enjoyed your pizza lunch!
The school holidays are almost upon us! We encourage students to borrow books to read for the holidays – keen readers may borrow as many as they like!
Book of the Week
Bite Risk
by S.J. Wills
Sel Archer lives in one of the safest towns on Earth – Tremorglade – where students are taught explosives theory and do target practice, and nobody ever leaves town.
For one night every month everyone over the age of 15 years is locked up in a secure steel cage, while the kids patrol the streets armed with tranquiliser guns, following strict protocols. But Sel would be happier playing Happy Trappers in bed rather than checking trip wires and motion sensors. He isn’t looking forward to the day when he turns into a ‘Ripper’ – giant wolf-like creature with huge razor-sharp claws and fangs – every full moon.
When pigeons start falling out of the sky and one of his friends goes missing, Sel’s comfortable reality is threatened, and he and his best friend Elena, begin to investigate other strange occurrences around town. Sel and his friends find themselves questioning everything about their home and everyone in their lives, until a betrayal by someone they trust above all sends them on a journey outside Tremorglade and into the big wide world…
Bite Risk is a lot of fun to read – you will find yourself laughing with delight and gasping at every twist in the story – and at the end you will wish for more.
Five stars!
(The sequel Caught Dead is coming out soon – ask a librarian if you want to read it!)
Susan Winfield