VCE News and Key Dates


Year 11 Wellbeing Day

On Tuesday July 16 Year 11 students will participate in a wellbeing day. This day will consist of a range of activities in lieu of their regular classes.

Respectful Relationships Workshops: Delivered by trained experts in the field, covering the below. 



  • Legalities, including age of consent and free agreement 
  • Key elements requirements for valid consent, including verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Critical analysis of consent in the media
  • The importance of respecting boundaries
  • Avenues to seek help if required



  • Overview of the LGBTQIA+ acronym
  • Recap of the intersection between biological sex, gender and attraction and how and why pronouns are used
  • Statistics relating to gender and sexually diverse people in Australia
  • Critical analysis around discrimination and harmful language
  • Bystander intervention and encouraging a safe and inclusive environment for all


Health, Wellbeing and Community Focused Activities: Delivered by teachers, wellbeing staff and community members. Practical and informative to help teach students how to form and use strategies to be informed citizens and decrease stress levels. 

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Table Tennis
  • Mindful Colouring
  • Beading
  • House Competitions

This is a compulsory school day for our students and will count towards their VCE attendance. Guardians with concerns about the topics being covered above are encouraged to contact their child’s House Leader to discuss. 


Jess Scannell

Year 11 & 12 Leader