Year 3/4 A News

Week 1 has gone so quickly, with the 3/4s moving into our new learning spaces. Everyone has settled and we’re back in the flow of routines and processes so that we can be our best learner selves. We’re loving the room to put up our classroom displays, which help us with our learning. Our new spaces are helping us focus on what we are learning about. 


While we have been revising Fractions during Maths, we have been learning about the differences between rules and laws during Inquiry and we’ve begun exploring the class text ‘The Nimbin’ in Reading. Our focus in Writing was learning about adverbs and how to use them in our writing. 


SEL has been useful because we are learning about how to be safe when online. We’re asking lots of questions and thinking about how we use the Internet and when we need to ask for support when we’re not sure what to do.