Office Notices

Wet Weather & Spare Uniform

Due to the increased number of wet days, we are seeing an increase in the number of students slipping during lunch/recess and requiring clean/dry clothes. Unfortunately, we don't currently have enough uniform to meet the increased demand. 


We kindly request that students have some spare uniform in their school bag so they can change into these clothes should their uniform become wet/muddy.


Should any families have any spare uniform at home that is no longer needed, we appreciate any donations.


If you currently have any borrowed uniform at home, we request that these items are washed and returned to the office at your earliest convenience so we can continue to provide students with clean/dry clothes where possible.


School Fees

July statements were distributed to families this week. 


Please be reminded that any outstanding school fees are now OVERDUE unless you are on a payment plan and/or made other arrangements with the school office.


If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with the Principal.

Ph: 9755 4222
