School Council 

 School Council Newsletter 


School Council Newsletter - 17 August 2023


It feels like I’ve only just popped an update into the newsletter, but although we have had two meetings within 3 weeks, there was still much to discuss and sign off.


Mrs Gauci stepped into her first School Council Meeting as Acting Principal, reporting on incoming correspondence relating the reporting of cyber incidents in schools, new TikTok restrictions on school issued devices and setting expectations of respectful behavior's within the school community - which we touched on last newsletter.

In her Principals Report, Mrs Gauci advised that our enrollment projections have now been submitted to the Department of Education which will allow planning to begin for 2024; Term 3 Report writing has begun and parents can expect to see these just before the spring school holidays; and she touched on staffing issues, which we know is a concern across the state.  Like many other schools, we have had a number of vacancies that couldn’t be filled and have resulted in the collapse of classes.  My daughter's class got 4 cool new kids last week and from what I’ve heard they are settling in well - and they have an amazing teacher.


The Policy and Curriculum Sub Committee reviewed the CCTV  Privacy Notice to ensure it reflects how the new CCTV System will be used at WVPS.  This document is available to view on our website:  They also reviewed an Inspection Report from a recent randomised Worksafe Visit, which 

Mr Farfalla advised we passed with flying colours.

Upcoming excursions and Incursions for grade 2’s, 3’s and 4’s, as well as PE Divisional Athletics and the PE Gala Day were tabled and endorsed, as well as the highlight of the year - the Grade 2 sleepover - although we all know very little sleeping happens on these fun filled nights.


Finally, we are all very sad to once again to have to farewell the best ever VP (don’t tell Mrs Gauci I said that).  Mr Pickett has accepted a permanent role as Vice Principal at a High School closer to home.  We know he will love the challenge and the shorter commute, but he will be missed.  Thank you Mr Pickett for educating, mediating, supporting and kicking the footy with our kids during your time at WVPS and we wish you all the best on this new adventure.


Our next meeting is Thursday 18 October 2023, via Webex.  All are welcome to observe. 


Sharon Gatt – School Council President