Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families,



There are only three weeks left of term but still so many exciting events, incursions and excursions still to come. Our teachers are busy getting reports ready for your viewing on Tuesday the 12th September and students are sharing their wonderings about Term 4 topics to help guide the teaching and learning program for next term.


Fathers’ Day Stall

The Parents and Friends group will be running a Father’s Day Stall over two days next week. On Thursday 31st August the stall will be open to Grades 1, 2, 3 and 6 and on Friday 1st September the stall will be open to students in Foundation, Grades 4 and 5. Gifts range from $1.00 to $6.00  and students are encouraged to bring their own reusable shopping bag to carry their gift.


Foundation Father’s Day Afternoon



At 2pm on Friday 1st September, the Foundation Team would like to invite Father's or a special person to school for a special afternoon celebrating this special day. Please enter the school from Gold Gate for this celebration.





Book Week Parade  

A reminder that tomorrow the school will be celebrating Book Week by dressing up as a book character and holding a whole school parade at 8.45am that all parent/carers are welcome to attend. The parade will be F-2 courtyard and 3-6 basketball court.

Two awards per class will be awarded for the following categories: Best Character Representation: This award recognises the student who best embodies the character they are dressed as, with attention to detail and authenticity in their costume. Best DIY Costume: This award recognises the student who has created the most impressive and creative costume by utilising only DIY materials and techniques, such as recycled items or handmade accessories, demonstrating resourcefulness and ingenuity.



Summer Gala Day

On Friday 1st September Grade 6 students will compete against other schools in the Wyndham district in a range of sports including, Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket, Softball and Tennis. We wish them all the best and look forward on hearing the House Captains sports report in the next newsletter.




It has been great to see so many students from Grades 2 to 6 participating in ICAS. Last week, 152 students sat the English test, with 135 students completing the Science test this week and 177 to undertake Maths next week.




Tell us what you think…Parent Survey

A reminder to complete the Parent Opinion Survey if you were one of the randomly selected families. At this stage we only have a 24% response rate so it would be great to have more responses to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. The survey only takes 20 minutes to complete.  Those selected families that complete the survey will go into a draw to win one of three $100 Coles Myer gift vouchers.  The survey closes on 9th September 2023 so respond now so you don’t miss out on the chance to be in the draw for the $100 voucher!





Tomorrow we say goodbye to Mr Pickett as he takes on a new role as an Assistant Principal in a Geelong Secondary school. I am sure you will join us in thanking him for all his work at Wyndham Vale Primary School and in wishing him all the best in his new school. 






Santana Parnis, one of our Education Support Staff welcomed her 2nd child, Lilah on Tuesday 15th August. 

Is your child moving to another school in 2024?


As you may be aware many new schools have opened or are opening in 2024 in the Wyndham Vale area. Some parents/carers may wish to move their child to a new school which may be more convenient for your family. We encourage all students to attend their local school and will provide support to ensure a smooth transition for your child to their new school. Government school zones help to distribute school enrolments across local areas. Of course, if your child is currently enrolled at WVPS they are welcome to continue their Primary School education here with us should you chose to do so.


Your designated neighbourhood Government school (referred to as your local school) is generally the government school closest to your child’s permanent residential address.


To find out which designated neighbourhood school is your local school please click on the link below and remember to select 2024 as the enrolment year:



If your child will be moving to a new school in 2024, can you please click on the link below to complete a short survey to assist us in our planning for 2024.


R U OK Day


This will be acknowledge on Thursday 14th September, more information as to what the classes will be doing will be available via compass closer to the date.



Advance Notice


Last day of Term 3 - 15th September 2.30pm finish, 

A reminder that school finishes in readiness for the term break at 2.30pm , following a whole of school assembly.   Children will need to be collected almost half an hour earlier than usual.  Students are also able to come in casual dress for the last day of term – please, no open toe shoes or bare shoulders for safety reasons – and the canteen                  will be operating as usual. If you cannot be here at 2.30pmplease make arrangements for your child/ren to be collected or Big Child Care will be open but you need to be registered with them first to utilise their service. They can be contacted on 0403 280 852 or

Operating Hours 6.30am- 8.30am - 2.30pm - 6.30pm


 Monday 6th November Curriculum Day -  Student free day  - School Closed

Tuesday 7th November Melbourne Cup Day  - Public Holiday - school closed



Have a great weekend.


Jodie Gauci

Acting  Principal