Careers Update

VET Acting 2023
Exciting news for both year level students of the VET Acting course as they were able to spend time at the iconic Athenaeum Theatre in Collins Street. These informative and exciting industry excursions were spent with well-known agent Ian White of Centre Stage Agency plus Ian White Management and Victoria Sadiqzai from Khans Entertainment Agency giving their perspective on how to get an agent, current trends on ‘How to audition and screen-test’. Shaun-Anthony Robinson spoke to the students about his journey to Hollywood, an informative and down to earth session.
All students worked with Warren Parrôt (Television Producer) who talked about industry needs, how to present on screen and how to communicate effectively in interviews and auditions. These were great sessions for confidence building.
Chris Peters, Stunt Coordinator, inducted as an Australian Film Industry pioneer delivered earlier in the year a very practical session on Action Acting for the Year 1’s. This session helps actors extend their physicality within scripted work.
The course continues to give the students current information, knowledge and skills with its connections to Melbourne’s Film and Television industry maintaining real industry exposure.
We look forward to an exciting Term 4 culminating in a presentation and graduation filmed performance.