Agriculture and Horticulture Update

Hi Everyone,
My name is Rebel and I am new to your school. I wanted to let you know who I was as people are surprised to see me and extra surprised when I start to play with you.
I am an Australian Miniature Goat and I am 3 and a half years old. In summer I have a very shiny brown and black coat but right now with how cold Melbourne has been I have had to put a few more layers on. If you want to come and give me a pat I currently have really soft curly fleece around my neck to keep me warm. Everyone keeps complementing me on how well I keep it smooth and silky.
Since I have moved to my new home I have been treated like a princess. Three times a week I get students that come down and give me extra treats. I have to hold my own around my other friends that are the same size as me, but I love to climb so I can get extra high to make it easier for the students to find my mouth. In the last few weeks I have been given so many new toys to play with. There are all these new circles for me to climb and they are even better when they warm up and provide a cosy bed off the ground. One of my new friends Sookie has also become such a good friend that we spend our days playing and running around as we have so much energy. When students come in at lunch time I also really love to play with them.
My favourites are chasey and king of the castle on our platform. Each time that I get to be the king I get so excited that I run around a little bit silly to celebrate. In the coming years my goal at EMC is to get to know more people. If you have some spare time at a lunch time or maybe even a spare orange (they are my favourite) I would love for you to come and visit me. When I meet someone new, I like to walk around with them and show them all my favourite spots. Sometimes as we walk around people get scared of my older farm brother Dave as he is always watching what I am doing and sometimes likes to get involved. Dave has as very long neck and sometimes doesn’t realise that he is staring, but he has been such a big support in my transition to EMC.I promise I won’t change too much but with the new EMC uniform policy and the new sport shirts coming in soon I think I might spiffy up a little and have a hair cut to make me just as presentable as all the wonderful students I see. I can not wait to meet you all and have some fun. If you don’t know where to find me, I can come and meet you at the farm gate, I will be the one wagging my tail to say hi!!!
See you soon,