Principal Introduction

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
As term 3 comes to close, it is an opportunity to reflect on the success of the term. There are many areas to celebrate, they are broad and reflective of our College communities passions and aspirations. To list a few;
- The College production was an outstanding success and enjoyed capacity audiences every night
- College Sports teams have reached Regional and State finals
- Second at the District Athletics carnival with 22 first places and 44 second places
- Parent Opinion Survey sees an increase of 19% in General satisfaction
- Implementation of the 3L strategy continues to take hold and staff completion rates continue to increase
- Our Koorie Education team is being acknowledged in a DET case study as best practice
- Student participation in the state school spectacular
- College debating program being student lead by Year 11 and growing in student participation
- Network student leadership day was incredibly successful and sees visions grow around expansion into 2024
Yesterday we had a new first for our college, our current college captains organised and ran an amazing whole school assembly to recognise the 2023 Year 12 students. Our VCE Vocational Major students have finished their studies as well as numerous students completing a non-scored VCE TP. Each of our school captains, sports captains and VM captains presented a range of awards recognising the strengths of many students and celebrating students being the best versions of themselves. A new principal award was recognised for a student displaying the college values, their dedication to being their best, their contributions to numerous areas within the college such as Music and the Arts and their support of their peers. This was awarded to Charlotte Clowes, a very worthy recipient.
Behind the scenes, our captains had support from the college Leadership Leader, Ms Wendy Coombes and our events coordinator, Mrs Lindsay Dare.
The 2024 College captains were also announced and I am pleased to acknowledge the following students:
College Captains: Lachlan Culton and Jorja Ambrose
College Vice Captains: Tara Noy, Eli Agius, Gus Morrison
Our current 2023 captains have completed some extraordinary work this year and they leave a legacy for future captains to follow and progress. We look forward to the work and contributions that the 2024 Captains will make to the college.
Our college Transition Team have been busy working with our feeder primary schools, we have had many visits from Grade 5 students experiencing a day in the life of secondary school. The students have been engaged in a range of areas such as Science, Sport, Technology whilst moving around the school.
Half of our Year 10 cohort have been out on work experience this last week, all reports are suggesting that students are having an excellent experience. Many thanks goes to Mr Russell Hobbs and Mrs Casey Howell and the Pathways to Success Teachers for the encouragement and support provided to students in finding placements, completing the required OHS work prior and understanding their role in the workplace.
As we come to the end of a long term, I wish thank all of the EMC staff for their tireless efforts across many facets of the college. I hope all of our staff, students and their families have a well earned break and that each and everyone of you finds time to refill your cup, finds time for gratitude and reflection and enjoys the spring weather.
Kind regards,
Dean King