Co-curricular - Junior Sport

It’s hard to believe that we are already in Week 6 of the term. With Winter sport behind us, the boys in the Athletics Squad have been training hard and competed in their first carnival last Saturday. With three carnivals in quick succession over the end of this week and early Week 7, their season is coming to an end. We wish all the boys competing in the BPSSA Athletics Carnival this Friday and the Newington Invitational on Saturday the very best of luck. May the wind be ever in your favor as you compete.
This week we have three students competing for NSWCIS in Rugby. We wish Xavier Khoury, Ryan Wall and William Malone of Year 6 all the best as they take to the field this week. A special congratulations to William Malone for being named Captain of the team.
Thank you to all the boys, coaches and teachers involved in Cultural Co-Curricular photos on Monday. From all reports the sessions ran smoothly and close to time. Thanks also to our photographers for their efforts in taking all the photos. No doubt a great memento of your time competing and performing for the College for years to come.
A reminder to all the boys wanting to be involved in the Summer Sports Skills Program in Term 4, to please sign up on the forms outside my office this week. Boys that were involved in Term 1, will need to sign up again for Term 4.
Tuesday 12 September the Junior School will have its sports photos taken. All boys in Summer and Winter sports will have their photo taken, along with the squads and boys that made representative teams for IPSHA, NSWCIS and NSW squads. Boys will come to school in their Supporter’s uniform (black polo, black shorts, white socks and runners), the College tracksuit should be worn if it is cold. Boys should bring their playing uniform for their photos, clean and ironed in their sports bag. Head gear, mouthguards and shin pads are not required for the photos, however boots for Winter sports should be worn. All photos will take place during school hours and a timetable will be posted in classrooms shortly. This is a normal school day and boys must be prepared for all lessons.
While Winter sport has come to its conclusion at the College, many of our boys are still involved in finals for their club Winter sports. One example is the Old Boys Rugby club. Their 10s, 12s and 13s teams have all made grand finals this weekend. We wish all the students involved in these teams and all those playing in finals this weekend the best of luck. May fortune favor the brave and dedicated this weekend.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular