Senior School

You can find our Careers website site at
This week on Thursday we have Old Boy Joseph Ianella (’19) speaking to boys in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are interested in pursuing a career in Medicine. Joseph is currently completing a Doctor of Medicine at Notre Dame. If there are any boys that are interested in attending the presentation and have not yet put their names down, please email me at
If there are any Old Boys that are seeking apprentices in Electrical for the start of next year get in touch as we have a few Year 12 students that are interested in an apprenticeship in Electrical.
In the Know with Careers
Inside this week’s edition of In the Know with Careers, you will find information on the following:
- UAC – Key UAC date reminders, pathway plans to university and ATAR myths busted.
- The College at Western Sydney University (WSU) – Diploma course pathways.
- University of Sydney (USYD) – Nutrition and Dietetics and early offer to study Visual Arts at the Sydney College of Arts (closes on 31 August).
- Australian Catholic University (ACU) – Diploma course pathways.
- Notre Dame – Early entry program closes on 30 September.
- Medicine and the UCAT – Register to webinars to find out about the UCAT and Medical interviews.
- TAFE NSW – Degrees and Undergraduate Certificates.
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships – A number of Apprenticeship and Traineeships with Transport NSW open for 2024.
- Private Colleges – NIDA holiday courses, Sydney Actors School, and Sydney Film School September Open Day.
- Other – Where to study Architecture, Medical experience programs in Nepal for Year 10, 11 and 12 students, volunteering with Conservation Volunteers Australia and access to ResMed STEM, an online platform to learn about STEM.
Joanne Cupac
Head of Vocational Education and Careers