
Year 11 Preliminary Course Examinations
Year 11 begin their examinations next week on Monday 28 August and will conclude two weeks later on Friday 8 September.
The Year 11 examination timetable is available on CANVAS, as are a set of examination rules and expectations. Students are reminded to thoroughly familiarise themselves with this documentation as well as the College’s Assessment Policy also available in CANVAS.
Ignorance of the College’s Assessment Policy or examination rules will not constitute a valid excuse and penalties will be incurred for breaches of policy and procedures. It is the College’s expectation that all senior students conduct themselves in an exemplary and serious manner during examinations. In particular:
- Students must arrive to an examination 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. A student who arrives late to an examination will not receive extra time beyond the scheduled finish time. Misreading the timetable will not constitute a legitimate reason for appeal.
- No student will be allowed to leave an examination before the scheduled finish time. It is the College’s expectation that students completing an examination early are to check their work during the remaining time.
- Students must bring their equipment in a clear plastic sleeve into the examination room. Pencil cases will not be permitted in the examination room.
- Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones or other electronic devices – including any ‘Smart’ technology, into the examination room.
- Students must wear the College uniform to all examinations. Students must also be appropriately groomed as per the normal College guidelines (including shaving).
- Students are not to talk in the examination room other than with a supervisor.
- Students are not permitted to borrow items directly from another student during an examination.
- Students are not to deface question or answer papers with graffiti or unnecessary scribble.
- A student who is absent for one or more examinations must submit, immediately on the student’s return to school, an illness/misadventure application form with an attached valid medical certificate to the Year Coordinator, Mr Herro, and the relevant Head of Department.
In the event of absenteeism due to illness or misadventure during the examinations, parents/carers and students are reminded that a telephone call to Mr Herro must be made prior to 9:00 AM on the day of the examination. Notification of absence to Mr Herro over the phone before an examination, although required, will not constitute a legitimate excuse on its own. Where possible, an alternate paper for the missed examination will be arranged within the examination period.
Given the current surge of colds, flu and COVID-19, it is strongly recommended that Year 11 students take adequate precautions and maintain hygiene practices such as regular washing and sanitising of hands.
In the event of a COVID-19 related absence, i.e., the student testing positive on a RAHT, a PCR test must be taken by the student. The result of a PCR test acts as a medical certificate and Mr Herro must be notified immediately. Note, that a medical certificate is required following a negative PCR or RAHT test to confirm the student with cold/flu like symptoms is fit to return to school and resume his examination schedule.
I would like to wish all our Year 11 students well for these very important examinations.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum
Una Serata Italiana
On Friday 1 September, the Languages Faculty will be hosting the College’s inaugural Serata Italiana, an Italian Cultural Evening. The evening will commence at 5:30 PM with a pizza van and gelato cart. Following this, an Italian film (with English subtitles) will be viewed in the Robson Auditorium. All students from Years 7 to 12 are invited to participate in the evening and an online expression of interest form has been shared with students via email. An official permission form will be available via the TASS Parent Portal shortly and is required to confirm students’ attendance.
The Serata Italiana will be offered at no cost to students and families. The College has received a funding grant from the Italian government, via Co.As.It. (the Italian Association of Assistance). The purpose of the funding is to promote our Italian program and through this initiative, we hope to encourage students to appreciate and enjoy the language and culture in an engaging and informal way. Students from our sister school, Santa Sabina College, will also be invited to attend. This will be an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between the schools’ students and staff.
During Term 4, additional Italian initiatives will be offered to both Junior School students, as well as staff and parents/carers. Further information will be provided in future editions of the Especean.
Should you have any questions about the Serata Italiana, please don’t hesitate to contact me or another member of the Languages Faculty.
We look forward to an enjoyable evening with many students in attendance.
Maria Capobianco
Head of Languages
Science Week
Science Week is currently being celebrated at the Scientia Building with activities such as Guessing the element in the Periodic Table to win a cupcake and Liquid Nitrogen Shows at lunchtime.
Surekha Chander
Head of Science