Catholic Identity

On the Feast of the Assumption we remember when Mary was taken (or in other words “assumed” into heaven), body and soul, after she died. You will not find this story in the Bible. However, a tradition handed down from the earliest days of the Church says that Mary died in Jerusalem and was buried in a tomb. But when the apostles opened the tomb again, her body was gone. Why would God take Mary’s body and soul into heaven? In part because Mary is special to God: she said “yes” to becoming the mother of Jesus. But God also wanted to show us that one day, all of us will share in the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Mary is the first person in the Church to experience the resurrection in its fullness.
On this special feast day,
We ask Mary, our mother to pray for us
God of life help us to do what you ask of us,
and to praise you for your goodness.
May we love one another as you love us
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who were Confirmed by Bishop Martin Ashe last Friday. This sacrament was the culmination of something that began in Baptism. We thank the parents for working in partnership with us to prepare the candidates to celebrate this Sacrament. The time and effort taken by Mrs Jenny Fenech and Mr Zac Lane to prepare the children was evident on the night. Thanks to the staff from our Religious Education Team for planning and preparing the Liturgy. Thanks also to the many staff who attended the celebration and to the families of those students in Year 3 & 4 who were part of our Confirmation Choir.
Everyone is warmly invited to attend our upcoming Community Mass. Our Prep students have been learning a special hymn and will be singing this Hymn at the August Community Mass. The Mass details are below:
Sat 26th August
St John the Apostle Community Mass
5:00pm @ St John’s School Hall
With the recommencement of Community Masses, the Parish is looking for parents who would like to join a Mass organising committee for St John the Apostle’s Community Masses. This committee will work with Kemp Vinson the Parish’s new Pastoral Worker. We will be holding the St John’s Community Masses on the fourth Sunday of every month, in the School Hall. This is a great opportunity for families to be involved in the faith development of their children, while supporting the Parish in a meaningful way.