SRC Focus

with Mrs Faghani

The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides all students at GEPS with a voice.

Each Year 1-6 class selected two representatives at the beginning of 2023 to be part of the SRC. Together with Mrs Faghani, Ms Marwazi and Miss Kopuz, the SRC meets fortnightly to discuss issues relevant to GEPS.  It is the duty of the SRC representatives to report back to their classes about relevant matters discussed and seek input from their class members.


Our Purpose is to:

  • Discuss main issues and be responsive at SRC meetings
  • Make the school a better place
  • Take on a leadership role within the school community
  • Support our school and community (fundraise for important issues)


A major focus for the SRC at GEPS is to raise funds for the school and the community. Our events this year included …


Celebrating Harmony Day by wearing orange or traditional clothing – we raised $146 for our school.

Selling morning tea items for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for The Cancer Council – we raised $625.50 to assist with cancer research and support programs.

We supported our favourite sport teams by wearing our jerseys for Jersey Day

Stay posted for more SRC news and events for next Term.