
Year 5/6 Volcanoes
Over the last couple of Science lessons the Year 5/6 students have constructed volcanoes out of recycled materials. The students then used vinegar and bicarb soda to get their volcanoes to erupt with spectacular results and invited students from the other primary classes to come and see their creations.
Mr Dave McLeish
Town Library Visits
Last week primary students were fortunate to be able to visit the Town Library. Thank you to Mel for all her patience with our students.
"My thoughts on “Wonder” by R. J. Palacio
Wonder is an amazing book showcasing the story of Auggie Pullman, a boy who has Treacher Collins syndrome. In this story, it shows the difficulties of living with a deformity or syndrome. It also brings awareness to Treacher Collins syndrome and is overall, an amazing book.
I loved reading this book with the class and my favorite part of the book was the way the author showed us different perspectives from the characters. In Wonder every chapter is shown from the perspective of a new character and their interactions with Auggie and just their general life."
Bailey O’Brien
Primary Assembly
At our very well attended Father's Day Primary Assembly last Friday, parents, staff and students were entertained by a variety of performances led by the Years 2-4 students.
The Foundation students also celebrated their 100 Days of School and completed activities in their classroom to celebrate.
Specialist subject Awards were presented to the following students:
F-1 - William A, Harrison
2-4 - Jackson
F-1 - Hadley
2-4 - Therese
5-6 - Mason
Willing to Learn:
2-4 - Ella I, Eliza
5-6 - Ayla
Congratulations to everyone on their awards.
Finally a huge thanks to all our special visitors to our Assembly, especially the many Dad's that attended.
Year 2/ 3/ 4 English
This week students have been learning about Acrostic Poems. They have each written an acrostic poem for Father’s Day relating to their Dads.
Here are some of our lovely examples.
Humanities Year 5/6 – History
In History this term the Year 5/6 students have been learning and investigating about different groups of people that have made Australia the country it is today. We have begun by looking at Bushrangers and explorers in the 1800s and also Indigenous people who have made an impact on our society. The overall theme has been Federation and becoming the Commonwealth of Australia. For the rest of the year we will be exploring famous Australian women, the creation of Canberra and the importance of migrants to the development of our nation.
Mr Irvin