Art Show

Artwork by Aubrey 4G

We're very excited to let you know that the Brighton Beach 'Bright World of Art' Art Show and Music Soirée will be held next Term, during week 3. They students have been very busy creating lots of different artworks and practising their instruments to be showcased at the event.



Here is what is happening:


Tuesday 17th October

Grandparents and Special Friend lunch - students can invite Grandparents or Special Friends to come along and enjoy having lunch together at 1:30pm. Students may then like to visit the 'Bright World of Art' Art Show and share their work with their Grandparents or special friends in the Hall and also see some singing from our amazing Choir. The Art Show will be open after school until 4:30 for family and friends to come and see after school.




Wednesday 18th October


The 'Bright World of Art' Show will be open from 3:30 - 5:00pm for students and families to come through and experience the artwork from our talented BBPS students.


There will be a Music Soiree on from 5:00 - 6:30pm featuring BBPS students that are learning a musical instrument with Phil Gunter or privately. Music will be performed in the Hall to celebrate both the Visual and Performing Arts Programs, that we are very proud of at Brighton Beach Primary School. 


Music Soiree from previous years