School News, Birthdays & Awards 

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news and celebrations. 

Wishing the following children a very happy birthday!!




Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week.

Class Awards 
FBEIndigoFor practising identifying heavier and lighter objects in the classroom.
FBEEvieFor including lots of detail in your Eric Carle oral presentation.
1/2AMAudreyFor working really hard on 1/4  to and 1/4 past in our time unit.
1/2AMMarthaFor her hard work on writing her story and making sure it makes sense.
1/2BBLianaFor working hard on when to use capital letters and lower case letters. Great job!!
1/2BBJohnnieFor improving your reading this year. Keep up the great practice in class and at home!!
3/4BBSebFor working hard on his hand writing to get his pen licence.
3/4BBLolaFor working hard on her handwriting to get her pen licence.
3/4BBJamesFor working hard on his hand writing to get his pen licence.
3/4BBChantelleFor working hard on her Maths.
3/4BBWilliam WFor writing a story using a headset and editing it.
3/4ALLilithFor always looking out for others.
3/4ALLukeFor being an upstander during recess.
3/4ALPaigeFor helping her friends.
3/4ALAustinFor making good choices on the carpet.
3/4ALKendrickFor working hard in Maths.
3/4ALJacobFor always being ready to learn when we start a new lesson.
5/6AOJack T For consistently being a kind class mate who follows our school BE statements. You're a star!!
5/6AOJaxFor the effort you have put into your narrative writing. Well done!!
5/6BDSeb A-LFor consistently bein a great Prep Buddy and helping them on the yard.
5/6BDCharlieFor working hard and being successful in his learning.
5/6BDAurorahFor her positive mindset in her Maths and taking a risk in her learning.
5/6BDLeoFor working on his narrative writing and using strategies he has learnt.

Uniform Shop

All uniforms can be purchased from:-

Peninsula Uniforms & Embroidery

Unit 1/1 Titan Dr

Carrum Downs

Ph: 9775 1777

A reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school grounds. If you bring your dog to school please make sure to tie him/her up outside the gate.

St Anne's Second Hand Uniforms

**Sustainable School Uniforms**

Search facebook - St Anne's buy/sell uniforms

Did you know we have a Facebook Buy/Sell Group to access second-hand uniforms. 

We currently have a selection of items for sale and for free. 

All school parents and caregivers have access to buy and sell, just join the group.

Normal Facebook Buy/Sell rules apply, you contact the seller and arrange to meet. 

This site is Admin by a St Anne's parent not the school, so send enquiries to the site. 

St Anne's Playgroup

Playgroup runs every Monday morning in the hall from 9-11am. Please bring a piece of fruit and a $2 donation. It is a great way to meet new parents, while giving the little ones a chance to have a play. No need to book just come along.


School Lunches Online

Please use the link to register for your online orders.