Specialist Subjects

Physical Education



We began by looking at our bikes ad helmets and making sure we were ready to ride. We then looked at basic bike skills and manoeuvres - turns, braking, riding as a group. In week 2, we had a go at riding along the bike track single file and as a pair. We also attempted riding one handed and using shoulder checks for safety. 

It's been amazing to see so many nervous or apprehensive kids go from sitting on the sidelines to been able to ride unassisted for their first time! We've even had a few saying they want a bike for Xmas 😍



Our Swimming Carnival is coming up in week 11 - December 14th, @ Faith Leech Aquatic Centre. 

All students will be attending, with the juniors grades arriving later and leaving earlier than their senior counterparts. 

Students will need food and drinks for the day, as well as a hat. 

The canteen will be open to families. 

Parents are welcome, nay, encouraged!

I WOULD LOVE SOME PARENT HELPERS!!!! - If you are available please check the compass post with more info. 


Upcoming PE dates:

  • Bike Ed. - Week 6-8
  • Swimming Carnival - Dec. 14


PRODUCTION - Grades 4-6

The curtain has closed and the dust has settled. I have put some images and messages regarding our production on the Production page of this newsletter for more information regarding the soundtrack and film of the show. 

Thanks again to all those who supported and attended the evening. It was a huge success and the kids got so much out of it. 


Grades 1-3 students have been making various musical concoctions on GarageBand on the iPads. They have been learning to layer multiple layers of sounds and instruments, trying to match notes and chords so that it sounds like a real song. 



Preps focus has been on drama games that build on inclusive behaviours, coping with winning and losing and having a go. 



Visual Arts:

Chirstmas will officially kick off in the art room next week how very exciting for all. Over the remaining weeks students will be wrapping up some of their major works for term 4 and seeing out their process and skill learning. We welcome Mrs Punton into the art room next week as Mr.Pocock is absent with the HPV team. She will bring a wealth of knowledge.





We have been learning new signs in relation to Remembrance Day. 


We can now sign the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month using Auslan to communicate. 


Check out some of the other new signs below:
