
Multicultural Day Feedback

As a community it's good to reflect on whole school events in order to make them bigger and better in the future. We are gathering feedback on our Multicultural day from staff, families and students. 


Please fill in our form by answering two questions: What went well? Even better if...


Form is accessed by clicking here: Multicultural Day Feedback Form 

All responses will be collated and used when planning our 2024 Multicultural day.

Positive Behaviours for Learning


Sam is our school mascot for PBL.

Sam encourages the students to be a STAR …

Show Respect

Take Responsibility

Always be



Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on the following expectations. Please reinforce these at home.


We respect other people’s belongings


We are ready for our learning

We take ownership of our choices


We include others

We work cooperatively

We never give up when things get hard

We seek solutions to solve problems

We let an adult know if we are feeling unsafe




It's that time of year again when all students must wear a hat when outside.  School hats are available from the uniform shop. Students who do not have a hat will be asked to stay in the shade.

Student Leaders News

Zooper Dooper Fridays

Starting Friday November 3rd and every Friday for the rest of term the SRC will be selling Zooper Doopers for 50 cents. They will go around to each learning centre at first break. Only one zooper dooper can be purchased per child.

OLSC Playgroup

Great to see & hear our staff room buzzing with the sounds of children playing & mum's chatting for our first playgroup session. The next session will be...

When: Thursday 30th November

Where: OLSC Staff Room 

Do you have preschool age children? 

Would you like to give them the opportunity to play with other children of a similar age? 

Would you like to meet other parents with pre school children?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the OLSC Playgroup is for you.

We are trialing a playgroup for OLSC.

We'd love to see you here


Feel free to email me at: shenderson@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au or call the school office if you have any concerns or need help at any time.


