Sun Smart

The warmer weather in fourth term gives us reason to remember that we need to protect ourselves from the sun and its harmful rays. There are a number of actions that both parents and schools are encouraged to do to ensure we all are safe when outdoors.
Encourage sun protection
Schools and parents should encourage students’ sun protection skills by:
- role-modelling personal sun protection measures while walking to and from school and while at school, including applying sunscreen before going outside
- encouraging and reminding students/children to wear sun-protective clothing, hats, close-fitting wrap-around sunglasses, and to use and reapply sunscreen
- where possible, provide and encourage students to bring sunscreen to school
- remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors, through visual reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen buddies or sunscreen stations near entry and exit points in the classroom.
The Albanvale Primary School sun smart policy makes it COMPULSORY to wear a wide brim hat during recess, lunch break and during any outdoor. Please ensure your child has a school hat with their name clearly labeled to wear every day.
School hats are available at PSW school uniform suppliers to purchase. We still have a number of lost hats in our lost and found box, so please ensure they are collected.