Classroom Spotlight - 3/4A

Written by: The APS Newsletter Team

What are your names? 




Why do you like coming to Albanvale Primary School?

Matias: “Because I get to learn new things and be with my friends”.

Nikki: “I look forward to mastering my skills in most things I learn”.


What's your favourite subject at Albanvale and why?

Matias: “I love pe, because it’s like a break from regular classes and instead you get to learn new skills”.

Nikki: “I like numeracy because I find it easy, and it helps to improve my knowledge on most things”.


What do you like to do at recess and lunch?

Matias: “Play soccer with my friends”. 

Nikki: “Playing soccer with my friends”.


Who is your favourite movie character?

Matias: “I don’t have one”.

Nikki: “I like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter”.


What are some things you are learning about in your class now? 

Matias: “In numeracy we are learning about renaming and in reading we are summarising and in writing we are writing a narrative”.

Nikki: “In numeracy we are learning about fractions and in ready we’re summarising”.


If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

Matias: “I’d want to predict and know the future (clairvoyance) because I want to help other people”.

Nikki: “I would want to be flash because he can basically manipulate time with his speed”.


What are your hobbies outside of school? (like playing sports, dance  clubs, reading books or playing video games). 

Matias: “I go swimming every week”.

Nikki: “I  play ROBLOX with Wesley, Haiden and Ethan”.


What books do you like to read and why? 

Matias: “I like to read this series called ‘Last kids on earth’. Because I was interested by the introduction and I also just like what happens in the book in general”.

Nikki: “I like the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse because I relate to it”.


What do you want to be when you grow up?

Matias: “An astronaut”.

Nikki: “I want to be a volleyball player or a basketball player”.


If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Matias: “To the Salvadore countryside because that’s where my mother was born”.

Nikki: “Japan or the Philippines”.

Nikki Aubrey Anito & Matias Hernandez
Nikki Aubrey Anito & Matias Hernandez