Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Message from the Principal
Achieving Excellence Together
Dear families,
This week, every student received a letter and raffle tickets for our annual major school fundraiser. Raffle tickets can be sold to friends, family, neighbours and others in the community. Please remember to return your raffle tickets and payment envelope to either the front office or your child’s teacher to ensure you are in the running for our fantastic prizes which include a bike, scooters, vouchers and much, much more. If you require more raffle tickets, please go directly to the front office. All money raised go directly toward enhancing the resource for our students including updating our Take Home Reading Libraries.
Your Feedback is important to us!
Earlier this term, parents were given the opportunity to provide feedback on a range of topics about our school. This was done at the Parent Teacher Interviews. This is important to us as the school heads into our 4-Yearly Review. Your Perspective, Praise, and Feedback help us to understand the things that are going well and what our attention should be drawn to. Importantly, it will help shape the vision we set for our school and prioritise our work, time and effort for the next 4 years. To ensure we have given all parents an opportunity to have their say, we have created an online survey to provide us with '2 stars' and '1 wish' about Albanvale PS. Alternatively, we welcome you to email us your thoughts to
Thank you for taking the time to help us continue to improve.
Beginning School’s Program (Prep Transition)
We look forward to welcoming our 2024 Prep students to the Beginning School Program that will commence on Thursday 16th November at 2:20 pm. Our Head Start Program will continue to run every other day of the week, with students scheduled for Thursdays reallocated. Our new Prep students will have the opportunity to practice the routines and expectations of the classroom as part of the beginning school's program which will culminate in our final session together where students will meet their teacher and classmates in their new classroom ready for 2024. We have finalised our Prep enrolments for 2024 with 2 classes confirmed. For all further enrolment inquiries please reach out to the school
Sun Smart Policy
In line with our Sun Smart Policy, all students are required to wear a wide-brimmed school hat to protect them from harmful UV rays this term; please ensure your child has their hat at school each day. Students who are not wearing their hat will not be able to play and will be asked to sit in the shaded area.
School Swimming - Next Week
Next week our Prep to Grade 4 students will be involved in the intensive swimming program at Parkwood Green Swim Centre. Thank you to all our families who completed the form and provided consent. You can still do this through the Compass Portal. It is expected every student will attend swimming as part of our curriculum and commitment to water safety. Please ensure all of your child's belongings are clearly labeled.
School Hours
School opening hours are between 8:45 am and 3:30 p.m, Monday to Friday. This is to allow for 15 minutes of transition time on either side of the school day. It is important that students are not left unattended at the school gates when the school is not open. Staff are not on duty until students enter the school from 8:45 am which means unattended children are left unsupervised which can be very unsafe, particularly by the road. Our school now has a Out of School Hours Care Provider 'Our Patch' on-site which offers cost-effective care for children if required. See the article in this newsletter for more information.
Student safety is our main priority, and we thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Families leaving Albanvale PS
Please let the office know if your child is leaving the school at the end of this year so that we may begin the transition process for your child with their new school.
Pupil Free Day Monday 6th November and Public Holiday Tuesday 7th November
Monday the 6th of November and Tuesday the 7th of November are pupil-free days for all students. Monday 6th of November is a day allocated to staff for assessment and reporting; Tuesday 7th of November is Melbourne Cup Day and a public holiday for students and staff.