A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
Term 4 has got off to a busy start with all our end of year events. We understand it’s a very busy time of year for most, but we continue to appreciate your support. Here’s our community update from Parents & Friends.
Referendum BBQ and Bake Sale - Saturday 14th October
We are pleased to announce that thank you to our wonderful school and wider community we raised a staggering $2775.58 through our BBQ ($2228.53) and Bake Sale ($547.05).
Once again, thank you to everyone who supported this event.
Grandparent/ Special Person’s Day - Friday 27th October
We really hoped you and your children all enjoyed our event on Friday - it was wonderful to see many families enjoying the afternoon.
We understand that there were a few issues with the queues for hot drinks and will be looking to address this for our events next year.
We are pleased to tell you that we raised $418.15 from Subway orders - thank you so much for supporting this.
Friday Treats
There are still some spaces available for people to come and help sell icy poles on Friday lunches. To see what dates are free, please click on this link below:
Upcoming Events
Bogan Bingo - Friday 17th November (ADULTS ONLY)
Bogan Bingo is not far away and it is starting to fill up. Here’s how to come along and get involved.
Bogan Bingo is all about dressing up (or not if you don’t wish), buying a ticket which gets you some bingo games, winning prizes, playing a few fun games in between the bingo, a bit of a boogie, catching up with friends and making new ones.
You can book individually and be placed on a random table or you can contact Anna McMahon or Victoria Reynolds to have a group table. Tables are in groups of 8-10.
This is the first time we will be doing this - we hear it’s meant to be fun!
Tickets cost $15 per person and can be purchased here:
No further tickets can be purchased after 10th November so please ensure you book.
We promise you a fun night of laughs and some awesome prizes! BYO food and drink. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
We are in need of a few volunteers on the day to help set up and run some games in the evening (they are pretty simple games). If you can help, please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/NAryeRX
Also we’re on the lookout for the following loans/ donations:
- Australia Day flags, bunting, signs, stickers, temp tattoos, etc
- AC/DC, Cold Chisel, etc posters
- Clean (inside and out), uncrushed empty beer cans - please limit to 4 per household as we are not a recycling centre!
- Empty beer boxes in good condition and flattened.
- Boxing kangaroos (fake, not alive please)
- A couple of plain white sheets that you don’t need back
- Any leftover red spray paint
Remember to label any items you want returning.
There is a tub in the reception area for collection.
End of Year Raffle
Just a reminder we are on the lookout for unused, unopened items for our end of year raffle. We’re talking about body care sets, glasses, toys, general gifts, chocolates, xmas items (decorations, wrapping as an example), etc… things that we can add to our raffle. It needs to be in excellent condition and unopened (we’re not an op shop)! Please leave items next to the Bogan Bingo tub where we can collect. Bonus if it’s Christmas related!
Parents & Friends - how to get involved
We realise that some people may be daunted at the prospect of getting involved in P&F and might not know how to. It’s really simple and there are many ways you can get involved.
Friday treats
Selling Friday treats is a simple way to help support us by volunteering a little of your time. There are instructions in the canteen on what to do and there are usually experienced people volunteering at the same time. You sign up online at the dates you can do. This is a gentle introduction to volunteering.
Attending meetings
We’re a very friendly bunch and welcome people to come to the meetings that they can attend. Whilst we have a packed agenda most meetings, we have time for a laugh and discussion on ways to do things and everyone brings ideas to the table.
All our meetings can be found in the Facebook group - AGPS Parents & Friends Events - the link is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1711670309087291/
Special Lunches
These are fairly simple to do and we’re in the process of writing up an instruction sheet to help others be able to try this little fundraiser. It’s pretty straight forward and works well for those who are at work (i.e. minimal time needed in school)
Special Person Days
These are great fun to organise and involve working with David to organise what the day might look like, what the best catering option might be, logistics, stall items. There is a great bunch of mum’s who come in and help so never feel like you would be alone.
Major events
These require a lot of planning and are quite time consuming, but they can also be fun. Each event is unique and requires different things, but there are always lots of people on hand to offer support.
If you haven’t been to a meeting yet or volunteered at an event, give it a try, you have nothing to lose and plenty to gain!
To check out what events need volunteers, please click here:
We hope to see you soon.
Parents & Friends Committee