A Message from David & Cam...

We cannot believe we are almost at the halfway point of the term - it will be Christmas before we know it! We have enjoyed another great fortnight with some pretty wild weather - the recent hail turned our school into a winter wonderland!
Grandparents' Day
Last Friday we loved welcoming all the grandparents and other special people into our school. We were blessed with some lovely weather (the only lovely weather for the week!) and we had a wonderful turnout. It was lovely to meet many of the grandparents and we loved seeing the joy on the student's faces as they proudly showed their visitors all around our school. We also really appreciate the effort that many had put in to get to this event as we know that some grandparents had travelled great distances to attend.
A huge thank you to Fiona and her team who volunteered her time to organise this event (and many other events this year). We are so appreciative of all your efforts to help make this such a special event for so many in our community.
Staff Appreciation & World Teachers' Day
Last week we celebrated all of our staff at Altona Green. Each day throughout the week we had a small token of appreciation for the teachers and ES staff as a way of recognising and celebrating our wonderful staff for all that they do.
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of our staff throughout this year. We are constantly amazed at the commitment, positivity, enthusiasm and creativity of our staff and am so proud of all of their contributions to making AGPS such a special place. The level of care and support that they provide for all of our students is outstanding - THANK YOU!
And a huge thank you to all the families that showed their appreciation with kind words, gifts, cards and other goodies. The staff certainly felt appreciated!
'Spring Swap' and 'Revoltingly Remarkable Rubbish Reusing Race'
Our students are always coming up with clever and creative ways to create awareness for important issues as well as ways to take action. This week has seen two new initiatives from our students both centred on helping the environment - 'Spring Swap' and the 'Revoltingly Remarkable Rubbish Reusing Race'. Both of these ideas have been really well supported by the students with many donating toys and books for the spring swap and many students spending their lunchtimes picking up rubbish - our yard has never looked so clean!
Thank you to the girls for the planning, preparation, organisation and running of these events. You have all done a wonderful job and are helping make our community even better
Transition Program and Step Up Days
Positive transitions are so important for all of our students and we are really proud of the robust and comprehensive transition program that we offer for all of our students, from our 2024 preps through to our Year 6 students making their way to secondary school.
The transition program for our current students includes:
- 23/11 - Step Up Day 1
- 30/11 - Step Up Day 2
- 12/12 - Final Step Up Day - at this transition session the students will be placed in their 2024 class with their 2024 teacher in their 2024 classroom. This is when all parents will be notified of their child's class and teacher
- 12/12 - Statewide Transition Day - all Year 6 students attending government secondary schools will participate in this 6-7 transition session
We are also really looking forward to welcoming our 2024 preps in a couple of weeks. Prep transitions go over a number of weeks and ensure that our newest members of our community feel comfortable and confident when they join 'big school' next year.
Road Safety Reminders
A reminder that the staff car park is only accessible to staff and parents/carers that are accessing TeamKids. We have had a number of parents and students walking/riding in the car park and this is a serious safety concern. We thank you for your cooperation with this.
Additionally, we are seeing a number of cars double parked and making u-turns during pick-up in the afternoon. With the number of small children in the area both of these actions are again serious safety concerns and we ask for your support and cooperation.
We hope you all enjoy the long weekend (for those lucky enough to have Monday off).
Take care,
Dave & Cam