Year 4/5 & 5/6
Welcome to our 4/5A & 5/6A newsletter page.
Year 4/5 & 5/6
Welcome to our 4/5A & 5/6A newsletter page.
Starting in Term 4, students have been studying the narrative nonfiction 'Malala - My Story of Standing Up for Girl's Rights'. They have been learning the features of this genre of story, where real life events are told in the story of a narrative. Students have then taken what they have learnt while analysing the book and begun to transfer this into their own narrative nonfiction, based on a news story they have read online.
We started this term looking at the topics of Chance and Probability and linking this back to our past topic of Statistics and Data. Students really enjoyed these topics as they participated in a variety of activities and games. Students gathered results, then presented their finding using chance/probability vocabulary and also use fractions, decimals and percentages to represent the probability of event etc occurring.
We have now moved on to refreshing past concepts covered, looking at addition, subtraction, division and multiplication strategies. It is important that we continue to focus on these key concepts as they are important to all aspect of numeracy.
This term, students have been learning about the steps to Federation in Australia and why the colonies voted to federate. Next, we will be learning about the history of Australia's democracy and who represents us in parliament.
The current topic being taught throughout our RRRR program is 'Gender and Identity'. This compliments nicely the teaching of puberty with our current 5's and 6's, which commenced last week and will continue again on Monday. Id like to congratulate the student on the maturity and respect shown to each other during what can be an awkward and confronting topic.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.
Please see the link below to access content being taught across the grade levels. Please note, our grade 4 students in the 4/5 class are being taught the grade 4 age appropriate content.
What an amazing time all of our staff and 5/6 students had at Camp Howqua. It was a fabulous camp with many opportunities for students (and staff) to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things. We were continually complemented on what wondering students we had, so that is something to be very proud of.
Grade 6 Information
We have a busy term coming up for our grade 6 students, with transition days, Adventure Park celebration day and our Graduation night. Please make sure to keep an eye on your compass notifications for further information.
2024 Grade 6 Students
Our order date for our 2024 Grade 6 jumpers is coming to a close. If you have not placed your order, can you do so ASAP so we can get the printing process started, so hopefully you will have these prior to the end of the year.