Year 3/4


The beginning of term 4 started with student exploring narrative non-fiction texts. Student looked at narrative nonfictions in many forms, including picture story books, song, films and plays. We are learning that true stories can be told in engaging and exciting ways. 

Students are now exploring and creating biographies. Students will be interviewing and writing a biography on a classmate, and they will also be creating an autobiography in the next coming weeks. 

The following are some photos of the interviews student conducted to collect their information:




The beginning of Term 3 has involved students applying their addition and subtraction skills to calculate the change they would receive from purchases. We have looked at how this change can be represented using different notes and coins and what are the best ways to work it out.


Students have enjoyed creating things for their classmates to purchase, in particular creating rides for the 'Moriac Show'. Students had to create their ride for others to purchase tickets. Students could go on as many rides as they could with $100 and had to calculate how much money they would have left after they had their fun!

Students have been practicing reading a clock and calculating elapsed time. Students have been using number lines to help calculate passing time. We are also using card games to continue practising our multiplication. Here are some photos fro 3/4b: 



Concert Practise: 

Grade 3/4's have been gathering in the multipurpose room once a week practicing for the school concert. Working with Mr Smith, we have been learning the lyrics and dance moves for our three songs by the Beatles (Rock n Roll Music, Stand by Me and Twist and Shout).  Students are getting very good and picking it up fast, we can't wait for the concert! 


Grade 4 Bike Ed: 

On Friday 27th our grade 4 students participated in our Bike Ed program. On the day, students... 







Emma Rodgers
Mike Nelson
Mikhala Fisher
Emma Rodgers
Mike Nelson
Mikhala Fisher