Year 1/2

Term 4


Students have been exploring a variety of Aesop's Fables, Tall Tales and Fairy Tales during Reading and Writing.  They have been identifying the lessons learned and the moral of the stories when reading and writing Fables. Students have been experimenting with writing from the perspective of the 3rd person and giving animals human characteristics whilst learning about Anthropomorphism. Students also followed the Writing Cycle to create a magical fairy tale narrative.




Students have been identifying fractions of shapes and collections focusing on halves, quarters and eighths. They created a fraction wall to explain equivalent fractions and created shapes out of materials to demonstrate their knowledge of different fractions.


During week 3, students participated in the P-2 Athletics Day at Landy Field.   They competed in long jump, high jump, 100 metre sprint, hurdles, hop skip jump run and cricket ball throwing.  Students had an outstanding day and loved supporting each other during the relays. A huge thankyou to all parents and helpers for your support on the day, without your support, the day wouldn't go ahead.


During week 4, students participated in the Swimming Program at The Geelong Aquatic Centre. Running over 4 days, students learnt a variety of different swimming strokes and survival techniques. It was so encouraging to see our students level of independence and responsibility throughout the week. Once again, we thank all our parent helpers for your support of the students during the a very busy week of swimming.

Courtney Williams
Courtney Williams