From the Executive Principal's Desk

Dear Heatherton Christian College Community


As the year draws to a close, I am filled with gratitude and reflection on the incredible journey we have embarked on together at Heatherton Christian College. Our theme for this year, "Stronger", inspired by the timeless verses from Isaiah 40:31 has been our guiding light, propelling us forward in our collective pursuit of strength, resilience, and growth.


This year has truly been one of remarkable achievements and profound transformations. Each member of our Heatherton family, from students, parents and staff, has contributed to the successes of 2023. Through challenges and triumphs alike, we have emerged stronger, demonstrating the spirit of unity and determination that characterizes our College.


As we look ahead to the new year, Heatherton Christian College will officially become Christway College – Kingston. This transition marks a new chapter in our College's history, signalling our commitment to providing a holistic and nurturing environment rooted in Christian values.


As we all move into a time of reflection on a pivotal time in history, when God Himself came to live amongst us, I extend warm wishes to each and every one of you. May the joy of Christmas fill your hearts with love and laughter, and may the new year bring you peace and prosperity. Let us cherish the moments spent together, celebrating the achievements of the past and eagerly anticipating the opportunities that lie ahead.


Thank you for your unwavering support, dedication, and resilience throughout the year. It is your collective strength that will continue to make Christway College a truly exceptional community. Together, let us embrace the challenges and triumphs of the future, knowing that we are "Stronger" when united.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


Grace and Peace


Damian Higgins

Executive Principal