Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Year 5 Kinder Visit

Over the last two weeks, our Year 5 students have been spending time getting to know the children at Lakeview Children's Centre.  This is part of our transition program, helping to ease any worries for the kinder children who will be joining us next year as Preps.  Preps are buddied up with a year 6 for their first year of "big school," so having these session will ensure the kinder children are familiar with their buddies for next year.



Dress Up Day

Thanks to all the families and carers who helped our students dress up last Friday, to help our SRC raise funds to purchase new sandpit equipment.  The effort everyone went to rivaled our annual Book Week dress up.


Our SRC unpacking one of the orders.  


Our students have also been very excited each break time to use this new equipment.


Citizen Scientists

Our school was contacted by Laura, a scientist working on Citizen Science Yeast Catchers Project.  Her aim is to work with schools around the country to identify the local and native yeasts of Australia.


The Yeast Catchers Project is a fantastic introduction to beneficial micro-organisms and fungi in general.  Our school was supplied with 100 sample tubes of media so multiple classes could take part.


Students collected natural objects, recorded the object before it is placed in the tube, photographed it and then place it in the tube. Students wrote their names on the tubes as an identification tag so if yeast grow we can inform the students what they personally have found.  


The tubes have sat in the classroom for the past 2 weeks to see if there is any growth.  Joy has now safely packaged these up and sent them back to Laura. 


These samples will be accessed in the lab to see which grow cells up on plates. Laura will take images of them and after identification she will send an information sheet back with the images and information on the species. If we find new species, there may be an opportunity for the school to assist in naming the yeast!


Across the project so far Citizen Science Yeast Catchers have isolated 37 previously unknown organisms!