Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

A reminder that this afternoon, from 3.30 - 4.30pm, we will hosting an Open Classroom, Exhibition of Learning.  Families are invited to join us in this celebration of student learning and to enjoy the displays of student work, each class will have on display.


Families are also reminded that this Monday, the 6th November, is a pupil free day, while staff undertake curriculum planning.  Due to the Tuesday public holiday, school will resume on Wednesday.  We hope that you can take the opportunity to enjoy an extra-long weekend!


This week, we received the exciting news that the planned capital works project, to upgrade some of our facilities, has been successfully tendered!  These works will include the construction of a new multi-purpose building and canteen and the demolition of the existing canteen and OSHC/Art/French building.  The BER building will also be modified to create a new entrance to the school, complete with administration/offices, a dedicated sick bay, meeting rooms and staffroom.  The works are expected to commence within the next month and we will keep you updated on the progress.


Thanks to everyone's support, last week's dress up day raised $139 towards the purchase of some new equipment for the sandpit.  The SRC really appreciate your assistance and hope that everyone had fun dressing up!  


On Tuesday, Year 5s had their second visit to the Kinder, during which they worked with the children to create some 'Halloween' paper pumpkins, followed by some games of hide and seek in the garden. Many thanks to Ellen, Dave, Eloise and the kinder team for their initiative and support with this activity.  


On Saturday our school will celebrate its 75th Birthday!  Commencing at 11.00am, past and present students, staff and their families are invited to join us for this special event, which will involve a brief assembly at 11.30am, followed by the ceremonial cutting of a birthday cake and a tour of the school.  Rotary will be providing a BBQ and there will be a coffee cart on site.

Next Wednesday, 8th November, students in Prep - 2 will travel to Dederang for the Junior Sports.  The activities will commence at 10am and will finish at 12.30pm, followed by lunch and a play, before the bus trip home.  Families are also welcome to come along and cheer on students as they complete the activit


On Wednesday 15th November,  Emily and students will present a special performance of their latest achievements in music.  We hope that you can join us for 'Bouncing Bars & Strumming Strings', in the undercover area at 2:30pm.  All are welcome to come along and enjoy the music.


The Victorian Government has invested $1.5 million from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund to provide up to 95,000 Little Angler Kits to primary school aged children in Victoria.

This week, we received a delivery of fishing kits for each of our year 5 students.  Grade 5 students have been selected based on the Victorian Curriculum focus, movement and motor development, and safety considerations. 


We are please to advise families of the release of the School Student Broadband Initiative.  This is a partnership between the Australian Government and nbn to provide internet access to up to 30,000 families without internet access at home. It is a targeted affordability initiative to expand digital opportunity and ease cost of living pressures for unconnected families.  

Eligible families must be nominated to apply for this initiative, which can be done through the National Referral Centre or through a list of National and Victorian organisations. Nominations are open now up until 30 April 2024. Eligible families will then be provided with a FREE connection for 12 months from the date of connection, with installation and initial set-up included in the service. For more information about the SSBI, including eligibility and how to nominate a family, please visit this website


As a school we are conscious of the many different emotions our children and families may be experiencing, in response to ongoing events around the world.  Below are some resources and services that may be of assistance. 

Helping my children after trauma: A guide for parents.