2023 Important Dates

This page gives you an idea of when things will be happening in Term 4. Any changes will be communicated. Items will be added, these will once again be communicated with families. 


Term 4 dates: (More dates will be added as we go)

Camp info evening - 29/11/23

Premier of Production @ Cameo - 01/12/23

School Closure - 2024 Planning Day - 04/12/23

Year 6 fun Day - 06/12/23

EOY community Picnic - 06/12/23

City Camp - 07/12/23 and 08/12/23

Meet your Teacher morning - 11/12/23

Passing on ceremony - 11/12/23

Reports go home - 11/12/23

End of Year morning tea - Parents 13/12/23

End of Year Mass - 13/12/23

Christmas Carols 13/12/23 @ 2pm

Year 6 Reflection morning - 14/12/23

Graduation Lunch 14/12/23

Graduation Mass 14/12/23

End of School Year - 15/12/23

Staff pack up and staff lunch - 18/12/23

Staff days in lieu - 19/12/23 and 20/12/23