Teaching & Learning

Career Education at CSDS

The team at Croydon SDS have been busy redesigning what careers education learning looks like for our secondary and transition students. When we talk about careers education at CSDS, it encompasses students exploring the opportunities available to them when they leave school, whether that be some form of supported employment or participation in adult day services, or a combination of different activities. 


A large focus in secondary this term has been completing a modified Career Action Plan. This document focusses on giving our students a voice in their learning. It allows students to share with us the things they like and don’t like about school and helps them identify the things that they need help with or can do on their own. Lastly, the document provides students the space to identify goals that they would like to work in the future. Students were supported by staff members to complete the plan and were also able to access it an interactive format using the online resource HelpKidzLearn.


Future development will involve career education being woven into multiple learning opportunities across the curriculum in the secondary and transition sections of the school.