A note from Mr Jackson

Road Crossing Safety 

A reminder to all who are arriving and leaving our site to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and adults.  


We have received reports from the Crossing Supervisors that parents continue to cross the Davies Street Road without using the supervised crossing near the lower playground or the upper crossing. I encourage all who visit the site to use the crossing in the morning and afternoon periods to model safe road safety behaviour to students. Our site can become congested in the morning and afternoon drop off periods and it is the responsibility of all to keep each other safe. 


Disability Car Park at Rear of Hall. 

We have a range of community members who utilise the parking spot at the rear of the hall. Please ensure that this space is only used with the appropriate permits.  


Working Bee 11 November 

(9:00am to 12 noon) 

All are welcome to help clean up the site on Saturday 11 November in preparation for the School Fair the week after. There will be some pruning and blowing, as well as general clean up responsibilities. All are encouraged to wear some sturdy shoes, some gloves and lend a hand during our termly gathering. We look forward to finishing the morning with a BBQ! 


Student Free Day and Public Holiday 

A reminder that this coming Monday is a student free day. The office will only be staffed for part of the day. If you need to make contact with staff please ensure this is done prior to Monday.  


Tuesday is also a Public Holiday and so we look forward to the return of students on Wednesday. 


Sushi on the Menu 

We are eager to continue with the option of sushi on the canteen menu this term. This will be offered to students via Qkr on Tuesday 14 November. As we are required to make the order to our supplier early, orders must be received by 9:30am on Thursday 9 November. You can order online from today or choose to send in you order in cash in a clearly marked envelope with your child’s name, class and the amount included. Orders for drinks or other canteen items to accompany the sushi can be ordered on the day before the sushi delivery, Monday 13 November. If you require support please contact the office.