Cultivating Community

In term 4 we have been learning about the different 'good bugs' that help our garden. We built a special garden for ladybugs, with lots of umbrella shaped (umbel) flowers so they can land and sip nectar. Did you know that bees need to drink water as well as sip nectar from flowers? We also built a 'bee bath' and planted flowers and shrubs to attract bees, praying mantis and dragonflies.
Some students enjoyed designing and building a 'bridge for bugs' in our pond garden.
We have been busy harvesting our spring vegies such as carrots, coriander and silver beet and getting the garden ready for summer planting. Keep your eye out for corn, tomatoes and zucchini's sprouting soon in the garden!
Remember that we are always looking for parent and community volunteers to assist with our program, either by helping with garden classes on Fridays, doing jobs around the garden or caring for our chickens in the school holidays. To get involved contact