Year 3 Update

3A - Mrs Oakley
3B - Ms Mouette
3C - Ms Keller
3D - Ms Bell
3E - Ms Jones
3E - Ms Paterno
3A - Mrs Oakley
3B - Ms Mouette
3C - Ms Keller
3D - Ms Bell
3E - Ms Jones
3E - Ms Paterno

Our Learning -Term 4, Weeks 7 & 8


To understand speech punctuation.

To make predictions while reading a text.

To understand visualising.

To read and write words with the hard and soft c sound.

To read and write words with the hard and soft g and gy. 

To understand and follow the writing process.


To understand and interpret data.

To understand time.        


To understand food waste.

To design and create a solution to food waste.

Social and Emotional 

To understand small to big problems we may face. 

To place small to big problems on a catastrophe scale.

News and reminders 

Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room. They are able to fill up their bottles in a nearby classroom.

Important dates

Friday 22nd of November - Dress up as something starting with the first letter of your name.  Please bring a gold coin donation. All money raised will go to the 'It's Okay Not to Be Okay' foundation.


Wednesday 27th of November -Curriculum Day.

Celebration of Learning