Important Child Safety Reminders and Extra-Curricular Activity Updates

Dear Families,
At St. Cecilia’s, we are privileged to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities that enhance our students’ learning and development. These programs enrich the school experience and provide opportunities for students to explore their interests. Some of these activities take place outside regular school hours, so this message serves as a reminder of the arrangements, supervision, and safety considerations for each activity.
Weekly Extra-Curricular Activities
Monday: Running Club (optional activity for Year 3-6 students)
Time: 7:50 am – 8:30 am
Supervision: School staff supervise running activities in and around the school grounds.
Contact: Safety Note: No non-running students should be on the school grounds during this time.
Tuesday: Stage Left Dance and Drama (paid extra curricula activity)
Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Library
Supervision: Facilitated and supervised by Stage Left staff. No school staff are in attendance.
Contact: tel 1300 369 443 email web
Safety Note: Parents are required to pick up their children promptly outside the library at 5:00 pm.
Tuesday: Music Bus Music Lessons (paid extra curricula activity)
Time: Throughout the school day and then 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm after school
Location: Music Bus vehicle parked in Main Entrance
Supervision: Facilitated and supervised Music Bus staff. No school staff are in attendance.
Contact: P: 1300 168 742 E: W:
Safety Note: Parents are required to pick up their children involved in the after school lessons outside the main entrance at 4:00 pm.
Thursday: Senior Choir
Time: 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Library or Hall
Supervision: School staff will supervise.
Safety Note: Parents must pick up their children outside the library or hall at 4:00 pm.
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday: Tennis Lessons (paid extra curricula activity)
Time: Lessons occur at various times after school from Monday - Wednesday. Please note: Some students’ lessons begin at 4:20 pm.
Supervision: Students waiting for later lessons must remain within the care of the tennis club and inside the tennis court precinct.
Contact: Gerry's Tennis Coaching
Safety Note: There is no supervision on the school grounds after 3:45 pm, so students are not permitted to wander the grounds without direct parental supervision.
Monday - Thursday: Netball Training
Time: 3.45pm - 4.30pm (primary school aged participants)
Location: Top netball courts
Supervision: Supervised by netball coaches during training sessions. Please note: The netball club's requirement is that there is a parent supervisor present at each training session (as the coaches are usually not adults), which is organised by the team manager for each team.
Safety Note: Siblings who are not involved in netball training should not remain unsupervised on school grounds while waiting. Netball club supervisors are responsible for first aid if required.
Morning Arrival and Supervision
A reminder that no student should arrive at school before 8:30 am, as this is when staff supervision of the yard commences. Students arriving earlier than this time must be booked into Camp Australia - Before School Care, to ensure their safety.
Use of School Sports Equipment
It has come to our attention that school sports equipment, such as basketballs and soccer balls, are being used after school by students waiting with their parents. While we understand the appeal of staying active, this equipment is designated for school hours only. After school, the playground and Camp Australia equipment are available exclusively to students in the After School Care program under the supervision of Camp Australia staff.
Ensuring Child Safety
Child safety remains our highest priority at St. Cecilia’s. We pride ourselves on the care we provide to our students and the community, but we rely on everyone to do their part, particularly during after-school hours. Please ensure:
- Students are supervised by a responsible adult when on school grounds outside school hours.
- Activities are attended only by those registered.
- Safety instructions are followed for each activity.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring the safety of all our students. If you require any clarification regarding the activities or safety expectations mentioned above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Warm regards,
Marty McKenna