What's Been Happening?

Our Magazine Editors Visit Italian Media Company; Il Globo
Last week, our school magazine editors had a unique opportunity to visit the editorial offices of a professional newspaper, radio station, and television studio. This experience gave them a firsthand look at the exciting and challenging world of media.
The day kicked off at a radio station, where the students learned about the ins and outs of broadcasting. They observed live recordings, chatted with radio hosts about their daily routines, and even had the chance to try speaking into a microphone. Hearing their own voices through professional equipment was both nerve-wracking and thrilling!
The next stop was the television studio. From bright lights to green screens, the students were amazed at how much teamwork and technology go into creating a broadcast. They stepped in front of the camera to deliver mock news segments,
The final destination was the editorial board of a newspaper. Here, they spoke with journalists and editors who explained the hard work that goes into writing articles, fact-checking, and meeting tight deadlines. The professionals also shared stories of their career journeys and the challenges of adapting to new digital trends in media.
This experience was a fantastic way for our school magazine editors to develop their teamwork, creativity, and communication skills.
St Cecilia's Got Talent
In commemorating our patron saint, St Cecilia, each year we have our 'St Cecilia's Got Talent' competition to showcase the incredible and diverse talents our students possess.
The juniors strutted their stuff on Wednesday and the seniors will get their chance to perform today. Below is a sampling of some the incredible and heart warming acts that were on display.
3E News
The Year 3s have been delighted to observe the life cycle of silkworms over the course of this term, from eggs to larvae (caterpillars), then the spinning of silky cocoons and this week, to see the silk moths emerge, find a mate and lay eggs!
We have all learned a large amount about life cycles in general, and lots of facts about these fascinating creatures. We have written recounts and information reports, drawn diagrams of our observations, and conducted research to answer our questions.
Here is a sneak peek at our silkworm community, with an information report and some research questions and answers, straight from our classroom!
3D News
By Leonardo and Ryan
For inquiry we are learning about life cycles. We have some new pets (silkmoths and stick insects).
We have now got stick insects from Jacob (in 3D) and his Mum, Bec - who came in to teach us all about stick insects.
The stick insects are near the window (I think they are enjoying their new home).
Silkmoths are living in our classroom they have evolved from cocoons we still have a lot of cocoons as well, our silkmoths have laid eggs.
We are creating a Jesse Tree and reading bible stories about waiting for Jesus and acting out some of the stories.
The Flowers are in Bloom in Visual Art
Foundation Christmas Reading Groups!
Grade 1 News
Grade 1 using the new nature play space during mathematics to estimate and measure the capacity of a container using scoops of sand.
Tomato planting with 1J
Please bring in a plum pudding (any size) for the St Vincent de Paul charity.
Plum Puddings will be picked up on Wednesday 11th December
St Vinnies will collect the puddings and share them with people who are finding it really hard to afford basic food items for Christmas.
Kate Sutherland, Robyn Mustey and the SRC
Daniel Lagastes Cup Reflection
Every year, the fives and sixes at St Cecilia’s gather to have a remembrance day for Daniel Lagastes. Daniel Lagastes unfortunately passed away in July 2006, He passed away after collapsing at home after returning from a run. He was 14 years old, so at St Cecilia’s, in remembrance of Daniel Lagastes, we got to pick between soccer and netball to play for the day as those were his favourite sports.
We started off the day with picking our sports. I chose netball along with some of my friends, but lots of people also chose to play soccer. The people playing soccer headed down to Ferndale Park as the netballers stayed at school and started to prepare for our first game of the day.
My first game of the day was played against green house, although we didn't win, green was amazing at showing good sportsmanship and it was a very exciting game. The second game I played was green versus gold which I got to fill in for that game due to gold’s player shortage, that game we had won by making the score 7-8. The game after that was my house versus red, even though that day we had lost all our games, everyone was so supportive and showed great teamwork in our team.
Me and some of the girls that weren't on the court were cheering for both teams that were playing. After that, the people playing soccer arrived back at St Cecilia’s and we all asked them how they went and asked them how many games they had won and if they had fun.
Overall it was an amazing experience and a memory that will stay with me forever, not only having fun playing sport, but also playing in honour of Daniel Lagastes.
Siena C
Buddies Reflection by some grade 5 students...
Part 1:
Excitement for 2025
Next year, I’m really excited about having a buddy. A buddy gives me the opportunity to show leadership and learn to deal with little kids. I am looking forward to having a buddy because I will enjoy spending time with them. I can’t wait to show them around the school and be a part of their first day of school. Peer-tutoring is also a way to get to know the oundation students and share my knowledge with them. But obviously, the biggest event is 100 Days of Prep. 100 Days of Prep is a big event held every year to celebrate the hundredth day of school. It includes lots of activities and is really fun not only for the preps, but also for us year 6’s.
May Dinh
Part 2:
Next year, I will be in year 6 which means I will have a buddy. Since it’s their first year at this school, they will most likely be sad to go to school because they have to leave their parents and they also don’t know anyone at the school. So I will be able to help them find new friends.
I will also be celebrating 100 days of prep with them. 100 days of prep is when the whole grade comes together for a big party. There are different stations. On one of the stations you will be making hats that say 100 days of prep on them, the next station will be fairy bread and there are many more stations to try out and have fun at.
The grade 6’s will be helping out on your learning as well. For one term the grade 6’s will work on your spelling before you start school. But you won’t get your grade 6 buddy everytime, you’ll get different ones to meet new people.
Throughout the year your grade might go on different excursions, you could go to the zoo, an aquarium or the museum. Those excursions are very exciting to go on and when you get older you’ll be able to go to camp for a couple of nights. In grade 3 you go for 1 night, in grade 4 you gor for 2 nights and in grade 5/6 you go for 3 nights.
As you get older you’ll be able to represent the school in a different variety of sports, such as basketball, soccer, netball and softball. In term 3, when you get into year 3 or over you’ll play hooptime which is basketball and you’ll be placed in a team. Your team will go to a basketball tournament and play against other schools and depending on how you do you will advance to the next round.
When you get into years 5 or 6, you’ll have a choice to play softball, soccer or netball and hooptime. Depending on how your team does, your team might advance to the next round.
And as you climb the grades that is what you’ll be doing at this school.
Luca P
Wellbeing Day Reflection by some senior students...
Wellbeing Day
Wellbeing day was a really great day, I felt mindful, calm, relaxed and very down to earth. The year 6’s did a great job planning it and presenting all the activities.
It all started with mindful yoga. As green house all started to enter the room, I felt zen already with the gentle water sounds in the background.
I go over and sit down and Mrs Kilduff tells us to start sitting down. We do the downward dog, the tree pose, the warrier and much much much more. After minutes of yoga and about a million different yoga poses, feeling like hours passed, it was time for the next activity.Mrs Killduff did a really good job doing the yoga and the year 6s did a great job too.
Afterwards,we make our way over to the MCG where we are doing the stride4stroke walk. The year 6s led us out the gate to start our walk. I really enjoyed this activity and the cause, it was nice being out in nature and having a small walk in nature.
Niamh Howard
On Wellbeing Day, the charity was Stride 4 Stroke and we did so many activities like Tough Mudder, yoga, Just Dance, memory tag and walking around the block.
My favourite activity was memory tag and walking around the block, that is what green house did but they were going to do rob the nest but people liked memory tag better.
Blue house did Tough Mudder. There was a trampoline to try to touch the net on the basketball ring. I couldn’t touch it because it was too high up and I was too short. Next was red house which was Just Dance. It was good and fun. Next was gold house and they did yoga it was really relaxing then halfway through, they did mindful colouring.
At lunch time, they handed out icy poles and I got the apple flavour. It was the best and my favourite flavour.
By Ivan
Wellbeing Day 2024
On November the 12th 2024 to start off, everybody brought a gold coin donation. I went to Tough Mudder first and did an obstacle course there. It was super fun, we all went across a platform then jumped on a trampoline over a blue mat and ran onto another trampoline and all of red house tried to hit the basketball ring. Then we went through a tunnel and threw a nfl ball to the year 6s and threw it back.
After that we went into the gaga pit and played a year 3 to 5 game then switched over with the year preps to year 2s and then we got to do the Tough Mudder to ourselves.
All the kids in red house went to yoga. We learnt that it refreshes the body and it is better for your mental health. It was a little hard at first. I got better. We did downward dog and practised our balancing and did mindfulness colouring which was fun to do but it was not that long.
We then had snack and went outside. soon after we went to do a walk around the block for Stride 4 Stroke. It was nice just walking around the block. When we finished the walk, we played a fun game when we went into groups. The aim of the game was to get the most bean bags then when they were all gone, we tried to take it from each group. Our group lost but I don't really care. We then went to do Just Dance in the hall but I did not do it because of a headache and did not have enough water which is probably why. Finally, we had lunch and went outside. I did not feel like doing much so I just sat in the sand pit relaxing.
by Hugh Mawer
Foundation orientation day - welcome!
Hello from Camberwell Lacrosse Club
With the date for our annual Year 4 Lacrosse day fast approaching (Dec 5), we wanted to let you know about a follow-up event that we are running the week after, on Dec 11. We are really keen to give the children who enjoy their first experience of competitive lacrosse a chance to meet their coaches again and learn a bit more about the game. We would be eternally grateful if you could find space in your newsletter for the attached flyer, which provides all the details. We'd also be more than happy for anyone from the school community to join us on the 11th and learn more about this great game which is once again an Olympic sport.
Thanks for your support,
Tony Hollenkamp
Camberwell Lacrosse Club
Junior Player Development