Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Krista Carpenter (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Christmas Concert/Big Day Out/Year 6 Graduation/Thank You/5-6 Timetables
Christmas Concert
On Thursday 5th December, USPS held another fabulous outdoor Christmas Concert. All students did a wonderful job performing on the night and in the rehearsals leading up to the concert.
Big Day Out
On Monday 9th December we had our end of year celebration day, Big Day Out. We went to Zone Bowling at Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre where all students enjoyed a game of bowling, 2 games of laser tag and hot dog and chips for lunch.
It was a really fun day!
Year 6 Graduation
On Thursday 12th December was our Year 6 graduation ceremony and celebration night. Held at the beautiful Marybrooke Manor, all Year 6 students were congratulated and celebrated for achieving the wonderful milestone of graduating Year 6.
As these students now move onto high school, we wish them all the best for their educational journey.
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with an award on the night:
Respect: Mikayla H
Responsibility: Eden M
Resilience: Archie S
5/6 A - Adah E
5/6 B - Angus C
5/6 C - Alfie S
5/6 A - Sage J
5/6 B - Olivia M
5/6 C - Franklin L
Bank of Bendigo - Alisha G
Performing Arts - Mila B
Visual Arts - Lily H
Science - Imogen B
Physical Education - Jake W
Auslan - Quinn C
Thank you to everyone for all your support in 2024. It has been a very fun, busy and exciting year for all.
To the Year 6 students and families leaving USPS, we wish you well for your future.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday break. We look forward to seeing you again in 2025.
Stacey Bowles, Melissa Woollard and Krista Carpenter