Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG)

In the Kitchen
We had a very busy final three of weeks in the kitchen. We continued to sample cuisines from around the world. Mexican beans with roasted sweet potato and wheat tortillas made from scratch were a big hit! We also harvested all our broad beans and created a delicious dip. The beans need shelling from the pods, they were then steamed and re shelled from the outer layer. We had fun using a mortar and pestle to crush the beans with the spices.
Last week we sampled food from India, and enjoyed fresh Roti, Lentil Dhal and a Vegetarian Curry.
This week's menu was a celebration meal, where students voted for some of their favourite dishes... sushi, spanakopita, broccoli and cauliflower fritters and chocolate mousse! It was delicious! The year 5 students did a great job preparing the dishes while the Year 6 students had their final Trailblazer session. We came together to enjoy the meal afterwards.
Recipes - Easy chocolate mousse in minutes
In the Garden
Our focus the last three weeks has been to barrow as much mulch as we possible could from the carpark to the vegie garden and the gardens around the modules. We also weeded and tidied up all the garden beds ready for replanting in the New Year with lots of seedlings and seeds for the kitchen group to use in their cooking. Our tomato plants are growing well so we gave them a feed and some new mulch. We also fed the newly planted pumpkins which are starting to grow some healthy long runners. The two big compost bins are now up and running and ready to be filled with compostable waste from the kitchen and the modules. Libby from Bunnings came out for a visit as she has just taken over the role of providing assistance to schools with their garden projects. This was the first time she had seen our garden, and she was impressed! Libby worked with the children showing them how to prune and cut up prunings for the compost bins and also helped them put the various layers into the bins. This week was fun as instead of gardening we helped prepare and cook the Encore Menu chosen by the students themselves. It's been a great year in the garden! Thanks to the student's hard work and perseverance we have achieved a lot. Many thanks to the parent helpers and Ros too.
Mrs Thornton's question:
Which HOUSE brought in the most food items for the HOPE FOR MONASH Food Drive?
Put your answer in the box in the office to go in the Draw to win the Prize!