Grade 3-6:

Waratah Bay Beach Camp (Wednesday 27th November - Friday 29th November).
Here are some of the amazing photos from this years camp.
Recount of The Beach Activities, Written By Josie Brown.
Honestly the reason why I chose to write about The Beach Activities at camp was because this was my favourite memory at camp. The walk to the beach was 2 minutes and was around 200 metres to 300 metres in walking distance. My camp leader was Santi and our supervisor was Mr Noordhoff. In our group there was Santi, Reed, Leonard, Kiaan, Bonny, James and myself. When we got to the beach, Mr Noordhoff was able explain what activities we were doing.
He told us that we had the option to play soccer, cricket, get our feet wet in the ocean, or play with the sand. I chose to go down to the water with Bonny, we asked Mr Noordhoff and he said yes so we took our shoes and socks off and ran to the water's edge. Whilst Bonny and I played in the shallow water, the boys (Santi, Reed, Kiaan and James) started to dig up crabs. When the boys found crabs they gave them to me and Bonny (I carried the crabs) and we let them out to sea, I think we found around about 11 crabs.
Recount on Rockpool Ramble, Written By Saige Chung.
My favourite part of camp this year was the Rockpool Ramble and this was on the very first day of camp. After we had finished our lunch and put our bags in our cabins, we started walking on the beach towards the Rockpools. After we walked for what felt like ages, we finally reached the Rockpools. The activity leader drew our activity group numbers on the sand in the beach and we had to decorate our number in shells.
After that there was a bucket placed in front of each group and there was a sheet of paper on what we should look for in the Rockpool. They said we had 20 minutes to look around, but after about 10 minutes passed by, it started to bucket down with rain and we had to empty our buckets and start walking back. After what felt like ages, it finally stopped bucketing down and was just lightly raining. We then kept walking back to the campsite and couldn't wait to get into a fresh new change of clothes and a warm shower. This was such a fun experience and it was so much fun being able to experience it with my friends.
Recount on The Food and The Campfire, Written By Parvati Varnakulasingham.
My favourite memory from the Waratah Bay Camp this year was all the activities and all the amazing delicious food. It was so much fun being able to sit with all the Grade 3-6 students whilst eating Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The campfire on Thursday night was also so much fun as we were able to roast marshmallows in the dark with our teachers. My favourite meal was the lasagne and vegetables for Thursday nights dinner.
Recount on The Flying Fish, Written By Isla Joseph.
My favourite activity at camp this year was the Flying Fish, I was in group 4 and the team leader for my group was Mr Williamson. When group 4 got to the Flying fish station we were given a list of instructions about what to do. Hannah our activity helper was able to ensure we were all safe during this activity. Seyon was up first and needed to get into his harness and put his helmet on.
Seyon then stepped through the gate and put on glasses and then he stood on the ladder and climbed up to the blue coloured step. He then got his harness clipped to the orange rope, Hannah then yelled to pull for the rest of the group who were on the other side of the little gate holding the blue rope. When she said pull, the whole group on the other side pulled Seyon up to the top. We then all started counting 3,2,1 and then Seyon dropped and swung. The rest of the group had to drop the rope so Hannah could pull it back ready for the next person which was Zaara.
Recount on Beach Volleyball, Written By Santi Lucas Figueroa.
During camp this year, our group did Beach Volleyball for an activity. What we did was when the ball was thrown over the net we could catch it and throw it back over because the normal way is too difficult for our skill level. If the ball was thrown over the net and it touched the sand, it would be a point to the team that threw it over the net. We were diving and sliding in the sand, it was so much fun! It was also so annoying when the sand kept on going in our ears, mouths and eyes.
Recount on The Beach Games, Written By Reed Bowey and James Zou.
During camp this year, my activity group leader was Mr Noordhoff, and our favourite activity was the “The Beach games.” It's when your group teacher gets a big black bag with a frisbee, a soccer ball and many more other games in it and the fun thing is you get to walk to the beach! When you arrive at the beach you can do anything you like there, you could play cricket, play with crabs and many more. What my group did was half of my group and the teacher played with the frisbee and threw it around. The other half were either knees high in the water or they were collecting crabs and letting them crawl on their hands. That's not all, some of us played with the sand and built sandcastles, it was so much fun. When we had to go back to the camp our teacher (Mr Noordhoff) had an idea we could walk back to the camp barefoot so we wouldn’t have sandy shoes the next day! However, some of us regretted agreeing to him because we had to walk on the rocky roads, ouch!
Recount on Beach Activities, Written By Zaara Firoze.
I loved doing the beach activities because it was very fun swimming with the students at my school. This was such a core memory and I really enjoyed spending time with my friends at Waverley Meadows Primary School. When we got into the water, nobody wanted to get out of it. When I was in water, I saw something moving in the crashing waves so for some reason I wanted to step on it.... sadly it was just dust.