Prep to Grade 2:

What an amazing few weeks we have had in the junior module! A huge shout out to all our parents and carers who continue to show an incredible amount of support for our learning programs!!
The highlight of our term 4 was the wildly successful Writers Expo held on Thursday 21st of November. The students of Prep/1A invited their parents, family, and grade 6 buddies to showcase a unit of written work. On display was the excursion recount they wrote following the visit to Chesterfield Farm, an information report on a chosen farm animal and a farm diorama constructed in Art. The children were absolutely thrilled to share their writing achievements - each of them responded beautifully to questions that their 'audience' asked them! We are so proud of each of the children and what each achieved in this unit of work - written, creative and oral!! Well done students!!
In maths, we have had a great deal of fun exploring the Friends of Ten! We have been working on several creative and hands-on games and activities to learn and quickly recall our 10 facts, partition numbers and count on for addition.
In Inquisitive Minds we have wrapped up our learning in Personal Histories by discussing what is meant by 'the past'. We have talked about how objects (artefacts) help us to remember and understand events from the past, and that our memories are our 'internal' stories of things that we have done or experienced in the past.
Finally, we have been keeping our bodies busy with swimming lessons, PMP and PE! I'm sure your little people have been coming home hungry and tired... it has been a lot of fun!!
Over the last few weeks, grade 1s have learned their last two spellings for the year, mb (climb), and wr (write). We've also learned about synonyms, antonyms, and have spent the last week and a bit revising all of the amazing learning we've done this year. It's crazy to look back at all the sounds and spellings our amazing grades 1s have learnt so far.
Grade 2s have been practising recognising and spelling some key homophones, and have spent a few weeks learning how to form compound sentences using the 7 coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
In writing we have finished off some amazing information reports on farm animals, and have started to look at persuasive writing. Students are loving the process of designing their own ice-cream along with a persuasive ad to sell it.
In maths we took another look at location and transformation. We practised our directional language and had a lot of fun, giving and following instructions to find treasure, complete obstacle courses, and build Lego structures. We also looked at the key features of maps and used them to solve some problems. Finally we looked at how shapes can be transformed through flipping, sliding, and turning as well as enlarging, and reducing.
Last week, we began some revision of place value and number skills that will carry us through to the end of the term.
Inquisitive Minds
We have wrapped up our history unit now, ready for the end of year with all the swimming and Christmas chaos. Kids have loved learning about how technology, toys, school and daily life have changed over time. They have shared some valuable insights that they have gathered from family members, and it has been great to see the differences and similarities between people and life both in the past and now.