“Every ending is a new beginning”
We are in the middle of exam season once again, and I’m delighted to see how well our students have been managing themselves in preparation for this time. Our Year 12s have conducted themselves with maturity and calm throughout the VCE and IB exam period, modelling great practice for our 10 and 11 students who have also been studying hard. Prior to the exam period, our students in years 10 and 11 were asked to set goals for their exams, and at the end of the exam period they will have the opportunity to receive feedback - and feed forward - from their teachers on their performance. In reading students’ goals it is clear that our students are striving to be their best, and I know they will listen and ask considered questions in order to progress their learning.
Whilst our students enjoyed a long weekend earlier this month, our staff were onsite undertaking further professional development. In line with our commitment to creating consistent, evidence-informed practices, our day focused on establishing the foundation for our revised guaranteed, viable curriculum, work which will begin in earnest next year. Our teachers are committed to creating a learning environment that is positive, challenging and engaging, and it is always a pleasure to see them work hard together towards our shared goals.
This week our IB students shared some of their learning with us through their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition in the library. I was both impressed and fascinated by the learning that these students shared as they explored the nature of knowledge and how we come to know, share and learn across cultures, time, and place. Our Year 9s have been involved with Morrisby profiling, beginning their thinking about future pathways, strengths and interests, and, operating at a different ‘pase’, our Year 7 and 8 students were raring to go as they headed out to their Gala days, wrapping up their PASE competitions for 2024 - well done to all involved!
Next week we bid a final farewell to our Year 12s at our Graduation Evening, while our Year 8 students head off to camp. As the summer approaches, we remain busy, buoyant and full of enthusiasm for the remainder of the term…and there is still plenty more ahead!
We look forward to welcoming families for our last coffee catch up of the year on Friday November 29th from 8.30am, and at our End of Year Celebration Assembly on the afternoon of Friday December 6.
Anne Stout
Interim Principal