Wellbeing News

Rockin' Resilience

Rockin' Resilience Day was held on Thursday 14th November from 2:30 -4:30 to support families to build upon their knowledge around resilience. 


We would like to thank the following professionals who presented on the day.

Thoa Lam (Child Psychologist)

Raquel Holmes (Behavioural Therapist)

Andy Moreton (Victoria Community Police Program)

A huge thank you to Mel, Rob, Katherine, Karren, Christine, Graeme, Angelica, Sophia, Jose, Luisa, Raul and our student wellbeing leaders (Abigail, Kinta, Nadia and Eva) who organised and facilitated activities and cooked the sausages.


Please click on this link to access information provided by Raquel at our Rockin' Resilience parent forum.  Further information from the Rockin' Resilience presentation will be in next week's newsletter. This will also include an outline of future family presentations and an opportunity for community input into what topics you would like covered.


School Reconciliation Plan

A community meeting will be held on Monday 25th November at 9:15 a.m. in the staffroom.

The main focus of this meeting will be to review and update our RAP. 

All interested members of our community are invited to attend. 

Yirrkala School Visit

In partnership with Melbourne University, we will be hosting a group of educators from the Yirrkala school in Arnhem land. The students at Yirrkala learn in the Yolngu Matha language and English. Six teachers from Yirrkala will be working alongside our teachers for four days beginning on November 25th. 

Bi-lingual education at their school was begun by and continues to be supported by Yalmay YunupiƋu who is currently the Senior Australian of the Year. Yalmay and members of the Melbourne University Educational faculty will be visiting our school on Thursday 28th November. 


This is Yirrkala's second visit to our school. They were here for a day last year. We have much in common and look forward to further developing a relationship with them.

There will be presentation from our visitors from Yirrkala at our school assembly on Friday 29th November.

School Dental Van

The Smile Squad have been at school this week. All students who were signed up by their parents to be seen by this service were seen. Please contact them directly if you have any questions about the service they provided to your child. Smile Squad | health.vic.gov.au


Sonya OBrien

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